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Drake's Anthro-Dragon Race: Wing and Tail Problem


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Whenever i enable the full dragon shape, the wings and the tail stretch out through the world. I'm not sure if this is a common issue or not, but can someone provide step by step instruction on how to fix this?


I have:



Robert Male V52

All the files from the Anthro-Dragon Mod.

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Why not asking the author first about it? That's about the main cause I maintain my comments sections in my mods, after all.


It was asked by someone else already, right before you, so the answer you're searching for, step-by-step, is still the very first comment you'll see, the last one made:


Your game is missing my skeleton.nif or one including my new bones, or for some cause the replacement isn't used by the game (Archive Invalidation, Steam Oblivion, etc.). Now the vertices don't find the bones they're rigged to and thus don't know what to stick to.


If you decided to not install my skeleton.nif, then this will happen. If you installed another skeleton.nif replacement (without my bones) after installing my mod, this will happen, too.


If you're on Vista or Win7/8 and installed the game to the default location, somewhere inside the over-protected system folder "program files", the UAC can prevent you from installing files into there and many mods can't work. The files get placed into a compatibility folder or some such but your Explorer will lie to you they would be where you intended them to be. Of course the game can't find them where they actually are then.


If you're using Oblivion from Steam, the BSA files in your data folder will be dated far too recently for replacements ever to work. They need to be redated back to somewhere around 2006 or whenever disc Oblivion's were dated, either by a file redate tool or by using the Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) 's Archive Invalidation Utilities and clicking "Reset BSA timestamps" once before applying Archive Invalidation to your game.


Archive Invalidation is a must for replacement textures to work, and with Steam Oblivion also for replacement-anything, including NIF files. The only advised way to go about Archive Invalidation these days is BSA Redirection, either applied through OBMM, Wrye Bash's Replacer tab or by installing the famous mod "ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!". They all do the same, installing an empty dummy BSA into your folders and altering your Oblivion.ini so it gets inserted into "sArchiveList" at the place of the only BSA requiring invalidation, and thus disabling the need for invalidation entirely once and for all. Once BSA Redirection is applied one only needs to get rid of any left-over "Archive Invalidation.txt" files in the folders, or they will instruct the game to use external replacement file X over internal file X from the BSA, which is now an empty one, and this will cause multiple random issues.


To further evaluate, the "or one including my new bones" term as of today only fits "Growlf's Universal Skeleton" resource, linked at the top of my description page. The afore-mentioned "Maximum Compatibility Skeleton" does not contain my bones. Though the Universal Skeleton includes all the Maximum Compatibility Skeleton bones anyways.


In Oblivion there can be only 1 skeleton file used by the player, "meshes/characters/_male/skeleton.nif", or "skeletonbeast.nif", if it's a tailed race, for in 3rd person view, the only difference usually being the former missing the tail bones, and "meshes/characters/_1stperson/skeleton.nif" for in 1st person view. If a mod wants to make its meshes use more bones than there are, these files need to be replaced by ones including the new bones. However, as there is only 1 file for this, this is very easily messed up by installing another mod with its own skeleton replacements, literally undoing the others. That's why my skeletons contain some many bones for other custom winged races on their own already anyways and why I link the Universal Skeleton at the top of my description as an alternative for those who want my race but also need the other bones for like wiggling breasts, high heels, Growlf's body resizing, or similar such animation-controlled enhancements.


Take care that custom bones will be required in both, the 3rd person as well as the 1st person skeleton. My race renders some custom bodyparts also in 1st person, namely the armblades and finger claws, so a proper skeleton file for 1st person is also required. Future releases of my mod will not "replace" any files anymore, as through OBSE I will be able to break the limit of 1 skeleton for all and switch skeletons during runtime, but this feature isn't yet completely implemented in OBSE and when I finally will be able to continue my own modding is pretty much unknown to me, might take years though.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Llelos, if you look downwards starting from the initial post in this thread, or upwards starting from your first post in this thread, you will see that the solution had already been given here.


More than two years ago.



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  • 2 years later...

I applied that selfsame solution to my problem (same as OP--wings and tail horribly distorted), yet I'm still getting the same exact results, as if I hadn't even tried to replace the original skeletons used by the game.


So...something else is either preventing the new skeletons from being detected by the game, or another variable is "at work" here. In either case, I'm still at Square 1 here.


1. I downloaded and installed ALL prerequisite mods.

2. I then installed the Spyro mod and Cynder mod.


Despite following every single step to the letter, I'm still getting the stretched wings/tail problem.


So...what could possibly be going wrong? Or, am I putting the skeletons in the wrong folder?

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