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Skyrim Redone CTD when succesfully blocking


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Hi, i am having difficulties with this great mod.


Everytime i succesfully block an enemy, Skyrim crashes to Desktop and i have to reload. I have no other mod running that alters blocking. When i fight without blocking, everything works just fine (Crash is reproducable). Has anyone an idea how to fix this? Happened to anyone before?



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  • 2 months later...

I really like the improvements this mod makes to the game, but I am also experiencing ctd's for various reasons, but my latest problem has been issues just like you have described. I was losing interest in the game until I found mods like this that could add new challenges to gameplay style and it had revived my desire to play, but it doesn't do me any good if it breaks the game. I hope someone else has found a work-around or the dev has identified the problem.

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