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Crash on opening journal


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Hello everyone, I'm kinda new to modding Skyrim and while I've been able to solve most problems here's something that's been giving me trouble. Sometimes, when I open the Journal the game will become stuck and crash, it doesn't happen every time, and it can happen when opening the journal both from the world map or the normal game screen. here's my mod list, cleaned when necessary and loaded in the order suggested by BOSS. I'm also using K ENB.


Mods - Just listed, not actual load order (Bolded ones are the ones installed in my last mod installation prior to which everything worked fine)


1. A Quality World Map

2. aMidianBorn Book of Silence

3. AOF Detailed Mountains

4. ApachiiSkyHair

5. Apocalypse Spell Package

6. Arrows and Baks


-ASIS Encounter Zones

8. Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack

9. Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack

10. Better Females

11. Better Magic

12. Better MessageBox Controls

13. Better Sorting

14. Calientes Female Body Mod

15. Categorized Favourites Menu

-Categorized Favourites Menu Oni Edition

16. Cloaks of Skyrim

17. Convenient Horses

18. Covereyes

19. Crisp Archery Sound Effects

20. Dark Dungeons for ENB - Further Dark Dungeons

21. Deadly Dragons

22. Deadly Spell Impacts

23. Designs of the Nords

24. Dramatic Clouds

25. Enhanced Blood Textures

-Dawnguard Patch

26. Enhanced Lights and FX

27. Enhanced Night Skyrim

28. Fantasy Music Overhaul

29. Fhaarkas Font Replacement

30. Footprints

31. HD Enhanced Terrain

32. High Quality 3D Map

33. High Res Face Maps for Men

34. Immersive Armors

35. Immersive HUD

36. Immersive Weapons

37. Improved NPC Clothing

38. JaySuS Swords

-Sharlikran's Compatibility Patch

39. Lively Inns and Taverns

40. Lock Overhaul

41. Lush Trees

42. Lush Grass

43. Pretty Female Idles

44. Pretty Sit Idles

45. Pretty Combat Idles

46. RaceMenu

47. Realistic Mushrooms

48. Realistic Ragdolls and Force

49. Revamped Exterior Fog

50. Serious HD Retexture Skyrim

51. SKSE

52. Uncapper

53. Skyrim HD

54. SkyTEST

55. SkyUI

56. Static Mesh Improvement Mod

57. The Dance of Death

58. The Well Dressed Mage

59. The Witcher 2 Models

60. True Medieval Tavern Music

61. UFO

-Dawnguard AddOn

62. Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

63. Unofficial Skyrim Patch


65. Wearable Lanterns

-Candle Lanterns of the North

-Lanterns for Caravans

-Lanterns for Guards

66. Wet and Cold

67. XCE - Warpaint and Dirt

Edited by Mordk
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It is probably due to one of these mods that modify the user interface:



Better MessageBox Controls

QualityWorld Map

Immersive HUD


Also check for any tweaks in your SkyrimPrefs.ini that might be affecting the UI.

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