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Aetherium mods?


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EDIT 3: I'm sorry for being a nuisance, But I've figured out the problem. I'll leave the post like this until I find a way to delete it. Again, terribly sorry for the problems.


EDIT: Sorry if this is in the wrong section, although it does seem like the appropriate place.

EDIT 2: Added an image of my Load Order, if that helps.


Hello everybody. First off, I'd like to say hello to everybody, this is my first proper post here at Nexus and it's a pleasure to meet you all.


Now to get to the topic at hand, I'm having some mild troubles with http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23802 (Aetherial Bow and Arrows) and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23530 (Aetherium Armour and Weapons).


Whilst I know that the Aetherium Armour and Weapons (Let's call it AAW) is working - I can forge all of the armour and jewelry as well as almost all of the weapons - I cannot seem to forge or even view the two Dart Launchers at the forge, which is a bit of a disappointing, as they look beautiful.


As for Aetherial Bow and Arrows (We'll call this ABA), I can view the Arrows in normal forges, requiring arrows from the exact same mod to CRAFT the same exact arrows, but neither the arrows or the bow can be forged or seen in the Aetherium Forge.


Is this a problem between the two?


Thank you.

Edited by MasterMalifos
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