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a way to reduce weapon/armor value by 5x when sold


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hello everyone, is there a way to reduce weapon/armor value by 5 times (only when sold? and maybe by 2 times when bought)? maybe with a perk or something.. but i dont know how to. changing value for every weapon individually is too much work and it doesnt let me reduce value only when sold. thanks in advance
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hello everyone, is there a way to reduce weapon/armor value by 5 times (only when sold? and maybe by 2 times when bought)? maybe with a perk or something.. but i dont know how to. changing value for every weapon individually is too much work and it doesnt let me reduce value only when sold. thanks in advance


I am not sure what you are asking. By value, I am assuming you mean an items worth in trade. You can't change the value of an individual inventory item through scripting or by any other means. You could change the base value of the base object in the GECK, but that is about it.


What is the purpose of the feature you are asking for?


If you are looking at making trading more or less difficult then you could use Project Nevada. It has an in-game menu that alters bartering. I assume it alters the game setting values relating to the bartering system. You could potentially create a mod that alters the variables yourself to suit your preference.


Other than that, altering an item's condition would be a way of adjusting an item's value, but I doubt that even NVSE has the means to do this through scripting. And if so, it might require some complication to implement it. For instance you might have to have the item equipped.

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The only way to do it that I can think of would be to use onAdd and onDrop blocks attached to all the items you want to modify to swap 'dummy' items back and forth when they pass through the trade menu.
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