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Getting RaceMenu preset to work as preset for custom race

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First I used the SPF command and imported the face data into the CK. Then I realized that's not going to work for a face created with RaceMenu. Then I used RaceMenu's own export function and went through the process of merging the exported nif with the one exported from the CK(using Ctrl+F4). The merged mesh looks fine in NifSkope. When I copy it into meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\mymod.esp\, replacing the original file, as instructed in various tutorials, it does nothing. No change in the CK or in game. I'm not sure what that's supposed to accomplish.


I am using NIF Optimizer to convert the nifs to LE nifs in order to use NifMerge, then I use it again to convert back to SE nifs. Maybe I'm using the wrong options in NIF Optimizer? Any ideas where I might be going wrong here?


I looked at another Race mod and its presets look completely different in the CK than in game. In the CK it looks like a vanilla face and in game it looks like a face created with RaceMenu. Not sure how they pulled it off.

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That was much easier than I expected. It helps to have other mods to look at and copy. However it has led to another minor problem (go figure). In-game, in character creation, when I load a RaceMenu preset, the eyes and scars are wrong. It shows the correct eyes selected, but the wrong eyes are being used. It's actually showing the eyes that used to be ones set in the corresponding preset in CK. I.e., I had eyes18 in Preset 0 in the CK, but eyes69 in Preset 0 in the SKSE/chargen/mymod/ folder, and it is showing eyes18 instead of the ones saved in the preset. The annoying thing is that for a split second I can see the correct eyes and then they immediately get replaced with the wrong ones. I even changed the eyes in CK to match the ones in the RaceMenu preset and it hasn't fixed the problem. I noticed that whenever I change the preset in game I can hear a bunch of ticking sounds like sliders changing, which no doubt has something to do with it.


Here is the entirety of the script I'm using.

Scriptname BRInit extends RaceMenuBase  

Race Property BlazeRace Auto
Race Property BlazeRaceVampire Auto

Event OnInit()

Event OnSliderChanged(string callback, float value)
    int isFemale = _targetActorBase.GetSex()
    race myRace = _targetActorBase.GetRace()

    If callback == "ChangeHeadPreset"
        If myRace == BlazeRace || myRace == BlazeRaceVampire
            chargen.LoadPreset("BlazeRace\\Preset" + isFemale as string + (value as int) as string)
    ElseIf callback == "ChangeSex"
        If myRace == BlazeRace || myRace == BlazeRaceVampire
            chargen.LoadPreset("BlazeRace\\Preset" + isFemale as string + "0")


Anyone have any clue as to what's going on here?

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A slight update maybe: When I first boot the game and start a new game I can see the correct eyes and everything. Sometimes I can even cycle through the presets and it works, but then inevitably it reverts to showing the wrong eyes and scars and whatever else. I can still see all the correct parts for a split second whenever I switch to another preset, but it instantly gets replaced by those damn gorgeous blue eyes.


One more question before I go. Is there some important correlation between the preset NPC_ objects in the CK and the RaceMenu presets? I'm just trying to figure out why the correct presets get loaded and then instantly get overwritten. One more question: since I'm using a script to load presets, is there some debugging method that might help get to the bottom of this?

Edited by lb10111
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