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Some NPCs don't have weapons anymore?


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Hi guys, I'm having this weird problem where some NPCs that should have weapons don't have anything.


A good example is when I start a new game and get into the keep with Hadvar during the dragon attack. I grab the basic gear and proceed into the next room where there's 2 stormcloak soldiers that Hadvar wants to reason with.

Usually they would each have an iron weapon equipped to use against us when we enter the room (like an iron 2h sword), but instead they have nothing.

So when we enter the room they both just start punching us or run for the stormcloak dead body on the other side of the room to pick up his weapon.


I have no idea what's causing this. I have 3rd Era Weapons installed, but never had a problem with this mod before.

It seemed to start after installing JaySuS and LOTR weapons, but I'm not entirely sure it's because of these mods. I've uninstalled them and the problem is still there.


Any ideas would be appreciated!

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Need to see your load order (in text format please, no pics) or BOSS log (with the BOSS log message).


Are you using Wrye Bash to Bash Patch the leveled list edits?


Support for Weapons of Third Era has been discontinued and it is now integrated into Immersive Weapons. Still, need to see a load order or (preferably) BOSS log.

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