Deleted74066033User Posted July 28, 2020 Share Posted July 28, 2020 Hi! I've recently found and edited a script, which should place a shade upon Targets death. The problem is that it places two shades instead of one. I think that the problem may be related to placeatme, but im not sure. Scriptname DrainShadeSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect ACTORBASE PROPERTY necroLord AUTO EXPLOSION PROPERTY necroExplosion AUTO ; ////////// ; //ASH PILE VARIABLES ; ////////// float property fDelay = 0.75 auto {time to wait before Spawning Ash Pile} float property fDelayEnd = 1.75 auto {time to wait before Removing Base Actor} float property ShaderDuration = 0.00 auto {Duration of Effect Shader.} Activator property pDefaultAshPile1 auto {The object we use as a pile.} Bool property bSetAlphaZero = True auto {The Effect Shader we want.} FormList Property pDisintegrationMainImmunityList auto {If the target is in this list, they will not be disintegrated.} race VictimRace ACTOR victim bool TargetIsImmune = True EVENT onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) victim = akTarget endEVENT EVENT onDying(ACTOR akkiller) victim.placeAtMe(necroExplosion) createAshPile() utility.wait(0.1) victim.placeactoratme(necrolord, 1) endEVENT FUNCTION createAshPile() ; //check to see if the target is in the immunity list IF(pDisintegrationMainImmunityList == none) TargetIsImmune = False ELSE ActorBase VictimBase = victim.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase VictimRace = VictimBase.GetRace() IF(pDisintegrationMainImmunityList.hasform(VictimRace) || pDisintegrationMainImmunityList.hasform(VictimBase)) TargetIsImmune = True ELSE TargetIsImmune = False ENDIF ENDIF ; //if the target is not immune, disintegrate them IF(TargetIsImmune == False) ; debug.trace("victim just died") victim.kill(game.getPlayer()) victim.SetCriticalStage(victim.CritStage_DisintegrateStart) victim.SetAlpha (0.0,True) ; //attach the ash pile victim.AttachAshPile(pDefaultAshPile1) utility.wait(fDelayEnd) IF(bSetAlphaZero == True) victim.SetAlpha (0.0,True) ENDIF victim.SetCriticalStage(victim.CritStage_DisintegrateEnd) ENDIF endFUNCTION Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maxarturo Posted July 28, 2020 Share Posted July 28, 2020 (edited) First of all you are not playing a "Shader" but placing an explosion. Second you have 2 different explosions and only 1 'Explosion Property'. If you want just 1 explosion, then remove 1 from the script. * If (necrolord, 1) is an explosion. * Some (few) explosions by nature play twice, Bang... BANG !. victim.placeAtMe(necroExplosion) createAshPile() utility.wait(0.1) victim.placeactoratme(necrolord, 1) I hope it helps. Edited July 28, 2020 by maxarturo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted74066033User Posted July 29, 2020 Author Share Posted July 29, 2020 First of all you are not playing a "Shader" but placing an explosion.Second you have 2 different explosions and only 1 'Explosion Property'.If you want just 1 explosion, then remove 1 from the script. * If (necrolord, 1) is an explosion. * Some (few) explosions by nature play twice, Bang... BANG !. victim.placeAtMe(necroExplosion)createAshPile()utility.wait(0.1)victim.placeactoratme(necrolord, 1) I hope it helps. Nah, not that's not what i mean. By "shade" i mean an npc, like a Corrupted Shade in Kilkreath. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dylbill Posted July 29, 2020 Share Posted July 29, 2020 If you're getting 2 NPC's, it makes me think that the Event OnDying is running twice. If this is the case, you can try putting a bool check in the script like so. Bool RunCheck = False EVENT onDying(ACTOR akkiller) If RunCheck == False RunCheck = True victim.placeAtMe(necroExplosion) createAshPile() utility.wait(0.1) victim.placeactoratme(necrolord, 1) Endif endEVENT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maxarturo Posted July 29, 2020 Share Posted July 29, 2020 (edited) Aaaa ok, so this line: victim.placeactoratme(necrolord, 1) Is your actor. Replace it with: victim.PlaceActorAtMe(necrolord) A better way to script this is to: victim.PlaceActorAtMe(necrolord, 2).StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer()) Here is the link to the function so you can understad it better: Be sure that you don't have assigned the "necrolord" actor in both of your properties that have the "PlaceAtMe", but if you use the function i posted above ( PlaceActorAtMe() ) this won't happen. Have a happy modding. Edited July 29, 2020 by maxarturo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted July 30, 2020 Share Posted July 30, 2020 (edited) At first if you create your own mod, which means you won't overwrite an existing script, use a unique name for that script. Because all scripts share the same folder !!!What I understand with your issue: retDrainShadeSCRIPT Scriptname retDrainShadeSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect ; ; retton wrote: "place a shade upon Targets death, problem is that it places two shades instead of one" ActorBase PROPERTY necroLord auto ; fill by CK with right base object Explosion PROPERTY necroExplosion auto ; fill with proper exlosion Activator PROPERTY pDefaultAshPile1 auto ; {The object we use as a pile.} FormList PROPERTY ImmunityList auto {If the target is in this list, they will not be disintegrated.} Float PROPERTY fDelay = 0.75 auto ; {time to wait before Spawning Ash Pile} Float PROPERTY fDelayEnd = 1.75 auto ; {time to wait before Removing Base Actor} Bool PROPERTY bSetAlphaToZeroEarly auto ; [default=False] {Use this if we want to make the actor invisible, somewhere before race change is done.} Bool PROPERTY bSetAlphaZero = TRUE auto ; set TRUE as default, switch actor on/off by using Alpha Actor victim ; -- EVENTs -- 3 ; see vanilla script "magicAttachAshPileOnDeath.psc" EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) victim = akTarget ; make target persistence for a while ENDEVENT EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;;; victim = None ; remove persistence ENDEVENT EVENT OnDying(Actor akKiller) IF ( victim ) createAshPile() ENDIF ENDEVENT ; -- FUNCTION -- ;----------------------- FUNCTION createAshPile() ;----------------------- ; (1) check to see, if target is in the immunity list IF ( ImmunityList ) ; ok we have a valid formlist IF ImmunityList.HasForm(victim.GetBaseObject()) RETURN ; - STOP - baseObject for this target was found, is immune ENDIF ; ---------------------- IF ImmunityList.HasForm(victim.GetRace() as Form) RETURN ; - STOP - race of this target was found, is immune ENDIF ; ----------------------- ENDIF ; (2) target is not immune, disintegrate them ;*; victim.Kill( Game.GetPlayer() ) ; actor should be already dead, do not kill again victim.SetCriticalStage(victim.CritStage_DisintegrateStart) ; >> START ;------------------------------------------- victim.PlaceAtMe(necroExplosion) ; do explosion to mask race change, instead of shaderFX IF ( bSetAlphaToZeroEarly ) ; == TRUE victim.SetAlpha(0.0, TRUE) ENDIF Utility.Wait(fDelay) ; wait before victim.AttachAshPile(pDefaultAshPile1) ; attach the ashpile Utility.Wait(fDelayEnd) ; wait after IF ( bSetAlphaZero ) ; == TRUE victim.SetAlpha(0.0, TRUE) ENDIF ;------------------------------------------- victim.SetCriticalStage(victim.CritStage_DisintegrateEnd) ; << END Utility.Wait(0.1) victim.PlaceActorAtMe(necrolord, 1) ; place a new actor (non-persistent) with actorbase "necrolord" near the ashpile victim = None ENDFUNCTION Edited July 30, 2020 by ReDragon2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted74066033User Posted July 30, 2020 Author Share Posted July 30, 2020 (edited) Alright, thanks for your answers. Edited July 30, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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