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Sons of Anarchy


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just come up with this Idea, anyone up for a Re texture of a khans jacket, not a replacement, i wouldnt want every single Khan to have the Sons of Anarchy jacket, but maybe a unique one.


so..maybe a great Khans jacket with Sons of anarchy on the back, and a little less shiney than it already is.


or maybe a reTex of a King's leather jacket outfit, and some darker pants to go with it.


something that doesnt make the player look fat and bloaty :)


if you're feeling brave enough why not make a whole new outfit/mesh to go with it all :)


im requesting this, because the current Sons of Anarchy outfits that are available now, they're a good try, but they dont look like decent quality, no offense to the people who made them,

Edited by Metallikitty
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