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serpentwave - BANNED

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serpentwave banned.




Reason for the ban

Piracy of skyrim


THank You Jason for your efforts put into this,


I greatly want to utilize this tool, but am in a buggy situation here:


After following the simple, installtion instructions (and reading the .ini), my game will now hang when I click on either "continue" or a saved game is selected via clicking the pointer on it. This is a new bug/glitch that I have never experienced in my days of modding Skyrim. But the effect is that the pointer and the rest of the game will freeze immediately after the option is 'clicked' upon. The game will load in the background, as I can hear the music, sound effects, etc. But what is being displayed is the hanging, load selections. Strangely enough, only when I go to the program/processes manger. does the normal game return (screen refresh, boot kick to engine?). Regardless I am then left with an 'additional' pointer coming from windows (hate those!).

The version I installed was the non-steam win x64 bit version.



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