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Mod Problems


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I'll be brief, some of my skyrim mods seem to work while others just don't like to do anything at all, among the mods and changes that work are the ENB injectors, Model mods, updates and weapon fixes, immersive HUD too.


Among those that don't we find Sky UI, Custom races (They don't show up on race select, and as a matter of fact, I have the improved race menu mod, which doesn't work, and the Race compatibility mod too.) Frostfall, Midas Skyrim, and I'm not sure if I'm using frostfall wrong, but it doesn't do anything too, even when I try to activate it.


So please, tell me, is there something wrong with my computer or NMM (Some mods are not installed through NMM, though) Or did my skyrim install go wrong? I used to have Skyrim installed back in the older patches, and everything worked back then, and I deleted it because it was back in that horrible time in which construction kit was just released and not many mods caught my eye, but at least they worked.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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