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CTD and random game freezes? Load Order problem?


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I'm pretty new to the modding community. I started using Nexxus Mod Manager and BOSS/TE5 Edit to install my mods. I started to have some freezing and crashing issues while playing the game towards towns and cities. I looked at tutorials about load order and I think I have it done correctly.


I wanted to know if someone could help me and double check to see if my load order is messed up? I'll give someone a cookie if they figure this out :P


Here's my BOSS Log




Version 2.1.1








Plugin Type Count

Recognised (or sorted by user rules) 153

Unrecognised 13

Inactive 4

All 166



Plugin Message Type Count

Warning 0

Error 0

All 17



* Your masterlist is already at the latest revision (r6333; 2013-01-25). No update necessary.

* No change in recognised plugin list since last run.

* Note: Latest BOSS thread ("http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1437225-relz-boss-for-skyrim/")

* Note: The BOSS team has been overwhelmed with the popularity of submissions of unrecognised plugins from the BOSS Log and the number of outstanding unique submissions. As of 18 January 2013 we are at over 3800+ plugins to add to the Masterlist. Some dating as far back as 28 August 2012. If you are interested in helping to get these plugins added to BOSS's masterlist, please PM Aellis at Bethesda Softworks ("http://forums.bethsoft.com/user/364024-aellis/") or Nexus ("http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showuser=65745/").

* Note: It appears you do not have the latest version of SKSE. If you wish to update it can be found here ("http://skse.silverlock.org/").




SKSE Plugins





SKSE Version: Checksum: 51DFC0AF




Recognised Plugins




These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action.


Skyrim.esm Active Checksum: C665FD56


Update.esm Active Checksum: 95ECDE44


Dawnguard.esm Active Checksum: EC75D96

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



HearthFires.esm Active Checksum: 1BC399F5


ApachiiHair.esm Active Checksum: 783F7167


ApachiiHairMales.esm Active Checksum: 4D05C883


AP Skyrim.esm Active Checksum: 985304A4


BBLuxurySuite.esm Active Checksum: 3DF3C74E


ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Active Checksum: 8A5417B1


JSwords.esm Active Checksum: EBC73FCE


Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.esm Active Checksum: E44A1A77


MagicDuel.esm Active Checksum: 59ABD4D0


SPIKE.esm Active Checksum: 418D8B2F


TERAArmors.esm Active Checksum: DFB35007


HighResTexturePackFix.esp Active Checksum: D596F02A


VLCollisionFix.esp Active Checksum: 3D29CA16


Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active Checksum: 4A46A8A7


Rainbows.esp Active Checksum: 55E59F7E


LIAT - Sounds.esp Active Checksum: 99FA1FD1


randomthunder.esp Active Checksum: 1058BBB4


EnhancedLightsandFX.esp Active Checksum: A84BAA29


ClimatesOfTamriel-VanillaNights-Lvl-3.esp Active Checksum: E574E771


ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp Active Checksum: CBE304CE


ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp Active Checksum: 77C47623


Weapons and Armor fixes.esp Active Checksum: D27D2F2


Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp Active Checksum: 119BC97C


StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active Checksum: 7985AB43


ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp Active Checksum: 94731DFA


Arachne.esp Active Checksum: 76DB6ACB


Birdsofskyrim.esp Active Checksum: 53C069A8


BonesTheDracolich.esp Active Checksum: A7B66AC3


Cat_mount.esp Active Checksum: 7EF8DBDC


Chau.esp Active Checksum: 51E41141


Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active Checksum: 4B85F657


DragonChristine.esp Active Checksum: 3F68DF05


Icy.esp Active Checksum: 74C0DDDB


Legs.esp Active Checksum: 95714901


LIAT - NPCs.esp Active Checksum: 44D3EDD1


UnlimitedBookshelves.esp Active Checksum: D039F264


lt_camping.esp Active Checksum: 4ED2DD60


Mononoke.esp Active Checksum: B89CDF4C


Moose&Carrie.esp Active Checksum: DEDD5384


Portable Campsite.esp Active Checksum: A833808D


ribeable-broom.esp Active Checksum: 7C37CBAF


SabreFurBag.esp Active Checksum: 78D9514B


ShootingStars.esp Active Checksum: CAC77F97


SMDropLitTorch.esp Active Checksum: 7A9B4891


TelekinesisImproved.esp Active Checksum: 366B3578


The Bears.esp Active Checksum: 17179179


Tiny.esp Active Checksum: 5F991957


Tytanis.esp Active Checksum: 3C85D188

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



Convenient Horses.esp Active Checksum: 53592306


CrowdedCities.esp Active Checksum: 92F9BAD9


Destructible_bottles.esp Active Checksum: DF07E0DF


SIM- NPC Additions.esp Active Checksum: D83ED437


SIM - NPCAdditionsWEREWOLVES.esp Active Checksum: F649A093


SIM - NPCAdditionsHOSTILE.esp Active Checksum: 40BCF91F


SIM - NPCSUBMITTED.esp Active Checksum: D6B998BD


SIM - Treasure Anywhere.esp Active Checksum: 26F43B79


Armor of Justice.esp Active Checksum: A4F2CAC1


Avatar of Baltazar.esp Active Checksum: C50F293F


BaratheonArmor.esp Active Checksum: 36F9EF59


battleflute.esp Active Checksum: 11016873


BBLSspouse.esp Active Checksum: FD08E557


Berserk Black Swordsman Armor - No Arm.esp Active Checksum: 3B818A44

* Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor



Berserk Black Swordsman Armor.esp Checksum: F17B4B12

* Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor



BR_Orcish_Armor_1_1.esp Active Checksum: 836881B2


daedric_phelm.esp Active Checksum: BC114371


DK_Armor_By_Hothtrooper44.esp Active Checksum: FCB07607


DragonHideRobeArmor.esp Active Checksum: 69630DA2


HedgeKnight.esp Active Checksum: 297CECE3


hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active Checksum: B1152321

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp Active Checksum: A3E3E943


Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp Active Checksum: 1A564FBA


LFArmors.esp Active Checksum: EF8F74B6


Lich King's Armor.esp Active Checksum: 5161938D


NightsWatchArmor.esp Active Checksum: 804CA08D


NightsWatchArmorLight.esp Active Checksum: F21BF3FB


PaladinArmor.esp Active Checksum: BAE1B8C2


PENIS.esp Active Checksum: BFAF426C

* Requires: Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes - ErectVersion ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2488")



PlatedMagiArmor.esp Active Checksum: 86513403


RedguardKnight.esp Active Checksum: 3CBDDCA7


Ritual Armor of Boethiah.esp Active Checksum: C6BCA82F


SamuraiArmor.esp Active Checksum: 178F368A


SamuraiBlades.esp Active Checksum: 87F0BCD2


SilverDragonArmor.esp Active Checksum: F254086C


TERAArmors.esp Active Checksum: A44A33E6

* Requires: DIMONIZED UNP female body ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709")



TERA Weapons.esp Active Checksum: B4DA9282


TH3WICK3D1-BlueStripesEliteArmor.esp Active Checksum: E82754E2


Thalmor Armour Set.esp Active Checksum: 7AC3742B

* Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit")



Tribunal Maskes by Zairaam.esp Active Checksum: 814BC380


VagabondArmor.esp Active Checksum: 25B5A7C8


VanguardArmor.esp Active Checksum: 66E259E5


variant_armor_masks.esp Active Checksum: C3C72641


warchiefarmor.esp Active Checksum: DC23FF0B


WarchiefsMight.esp Active Checksum: F19B9C61


Dr_BandolierDG.esp Active Checksum: E6116C26


Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: 8534CD3C

* Note: Use only one - Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp or Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp

* Note: Will conflict with mods that modify existing recipes.



Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp Checksum: 193D9214

* Note: Use only one - Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp or Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp

* Note: Will conflict with mods that modify existing recipes.



DeadlyDragons.esp Active Checksum: 5764649B

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp Active Checksum: 7EB85CB9


buildablehouse.esp Active Checksum: 42D12EB9


Dragon Falls Manor.esp Active Checksum: 800FFD12


Run For Your Lives.esp Active Checksum: 976BD98E


When Vampires Attack.esp Active Checksum: E0CF37FD


Masters of Death.esp Active Checksum: 7B356CC8


armored-horses.esp Active Checksum: 3B1B7A1E


BetterSwimming.esp Active Checksum: ADB099BF


getdrunk.esp Active Checksum: 4C8E67


GloriousGrass.esp Active Checksum: DC15177


Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: F99AC53B


Headtracking.esp Active Checksum: B7C7F40B


Immersive Weapons.esp Active Checksum: 7346FFB4

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}



Ket_ARMONIZER_LListsNPC.esp Active Checksum: 3C45206

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}



SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Active Checksum: 48966F50


dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active Checksum: A01EF6DF


dD-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp Active Checksum: 435D7F73


smash locks and more.esp Active Checksum: 26C8C3D3


Spells Cast Light.esp Active Checksum: 685CD09B


Open Cities Skyrim.esp Active Checksum: 730DBA62


AdvancedWerewolf.esp Active Checksum: D0953F32


Advanced Vampires sun damage.esp Active Checksum: C8D99EE9


Revamped Vampire Lord.esp Active Checksum: 36096113


MidasSkyrim.esp Active Checksum: D931DDED


Physic Magic 0.8v.esp Active Checksum: B00B4074


ward shield.esp Active Checksum: DD2AB01D


FNISspells.esp Active Checksum: 2BDC88D9


More Visible Soul Trap Effect.esp Active Checksum: 2151D3EE


Realistic crime report radius.esp Active Checksum: 58E179F8


UnlimitedConjuration.esp Active Checksum: ACBEE1B


Sit Anywhere.esp Active Checksum: 7C755BBC


Skyhawk_eat_drink_animation.esp Active Checksum: C9388FD9


hornsareforever.esp Active Checksum: 22E67199


Dawnguard Eyes.esp Active Checksum: 2BECE3C0


TheEyesOfBeauty.esp Active Checksum: DF1D3216


Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp Active Checksum: 483B7C47


HothFollower.esp Active Checksum: 7F231AB9


UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: B5975AF8

* Note: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load again, save and install UFO. For safe uninstall or update see special instructions on mod page ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14037").



UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp Active Checksum: 2F0B9E98


UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp Checksum: 47AA94A


UFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons.esp Checksum: A2211F9


ApachiiHairStyles.esp Active Checksum: 8CC0E84E


ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp Active Checksum: C0886BAD


Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp Active Checksum: 24658104


BBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp Active Checksum: B541831F


BBLSVisitors.esp Active Checksum: 3E21F0EA


moveit.esp Active Checksum: AAD775C6


Spousetocustomhome.esp Active Checksum: FE27B2DF


KhajiitSenseOfSmell.esp Active Checksum: D7B1B316


getSnowy.esp Active Checksum: F1EBDDA9


WATER.esp Active Checksum: FB751550


Blacksmithforge water fix.esp Active Checksum: 54C3B1A3


WorldMapInFull3D.esp Active Checksum: 78DD5B64

* Note: If you are using other map mods, e.g. Quality World Map with roads, change uLockedTerrainLOD to 32 to display them (only indoors)





Unrecognised Plugins




The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually, using your favourite mod manager or by using BOSS's user rules functionality. You can submit unrecognised plugins for addition to the masterlist directly from this log by clicking on a plugin and supplying a link and/or description of its contents in the panel that is displayed.


TairPresets.esp Active Checksum: DB9D52D5


Greybeard Armor.esp Active Checksum: 1E65680D


-Aela-.esp Active Checksum: 7E21FF11


Armor Dovahkiin & Forest Elves.esp Active Checksum: DC20C0C1


Bigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.esp Active Checksum: 85F3461B


Character Presets - MALE BRETON.esp Active Checksum: B0C4EFB1


Character Presets - MALE IMPERIAL.esp Active Checksum: 9257EBF8


Hadvar.esp Active Checksum: 5027DD5D


Legion Retrofit Mod.esp Active Checksum: E5D5E278


NoHairHeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeast.esp Active Checksum: 3D06F1F4


Ralof.esp Active Checksum: E2F54F6B


Sundys_Male_Presets.esp Active Checksum: 346A3354


Ice Form Improved.esp Active Checksum: 12DF4753

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1) You need to take care of some issues as noted by your BOSS log:


Berserk Black Swordsman Armor - No Arm.esp Active Checksum: 3B818A44

* Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor



Berserk Black Swordsman Armor.esp Checksum: F17B4B12

* Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor


Thalmor Armour Set.esp Active Checksum: 7AC3742B

* Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit")


Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: 8534CD3C

* Note: Use only one - Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp or Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp

* Note: Will conflict with mods that modify existing recipes.



Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp Checksum: 193D9214

* Note: Use only one - Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp or Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp

* Note: Will conflict with mods that modify existing recipes.


2) Since you are using a number 'give more stuff to NPCs' mods (e.g. Immersive Armour, Immersive Weapons, Jaysus swords NPC distribution plug, etc.), you'll need to use Wrye Bash to generate a Bashed Patch that merges the conflicting leveled lists. It's not optional any more, given the number of those types of mods you are using, so don't think about it, just do it.


3) The esp's not recognized by BOSS cannot be allowed to simply load at the end of your load order. You can use TES5Edit (which you will *need* to download to clean one of your esp's anyway) to check the esp records and see if they conflict with the other esp's in your load order, then determine where in the load order they should load. You can also use the 'BOSS Userlist Manager' to set custom rules for unrecognized esp's which will be applied each time you run BOSS.

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1) You need to take care of some issues as noted by your BOSS log:


Berserk Black Swordsman Armor - No Arm.esp Active Checksum: 3B818A44

* Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor



Berserk Black Swordsman Armor.esp Checksum: F17B4B12

* Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor


Thalmor Armour Set.esp Active Checksum: 7AC3742B

* Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit")


Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: 8534CD3C

* Note: Use only one - Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp or Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp

* Note: Will conflict with mods that modify existing recipes.



Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp Checksum: 193D9214

* Note: Use only one - Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp or Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp

* Note: Will conflict with mods that modify existing recipes.


2) Since you are using a number 'give more stuff to NPCs' mods (e.g. Immersive Armour, Immersive Weapons, Jaysus swords NPC distribution plug, etc.), you'll need to use Wrye Bash to generate a Bashed Patch that merges the conflicting leveled lists. It's not optional any more, given the number of those types of mods you are using, so don't think about it, just do it.


3) The esp's not recognized by BOSS cannot be allowed to simply load at the end of your load order. You can use TES5Edit (which you will *need* to download to clean one of your esp's anyway) to check the esp records and see if they conflict with the other esp's in your load order, then determine where in the load order they should load. You can also use the 'BOSS Userlist Manager' to set custom rules for unrecognized esp's which will be applied each time you run BOSS.


Thanks for the response! I'll check that out and letcha know if that fixes it.

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What quest does this error relate to?


[ (000434F8)].dunyngolglow.OnUpdate() - "dunYngolGlow.psc" Line ?


Thats the message I got before the game crashed.


This looks to be a base game debug message. Keep in mind that the papyrus log is not a 'crash log.' Many of the messages can just be debug messages from scripts that weren't commented out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Installed Dragonborn and I'm still getting freezes. I ran Wyre Smash 303 and I'm still getting freezes around whiterun. My game save on Wyre Smash shows all blue check marks. I assume that's a good thing.




Version 2.1.1








Plugin Type Count

Recognised (or sorted by user rules) 155

Unrecognised 14

Inactive 0

All 169



Plugin Message Type Count

Warning 0

Error 0

All 14



* Your masterlist is already at the latest revision (r6389; 2013-02-06). No update necessary.

* No change in recognised plugin list since last run.

* Note: Latest BOSS thread ("http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1441520-relz-boss-for-skyrim/")

* Note: The BOSS team has been overwhelmed with the popularity of submissions of unrecognised plugins from the BOSS Log and the number of outstanding unique submissions. As of 05 February 2013 we are at over 4000+ plugins to add to the Masterlist. Some dating as far back as 30 August 2012. If you are interested in helping to get these plugins added to BOSS's masterlist, please PM Aellis at Bethesda Softworks ("http://forums.bethsoft.com/user/364024-aellis/") or Nexus ("http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showuser=65745/").

* Note: It appears you do not have the latest version of SKSE. If you wish to update it can be found here ("http://skse.silverlock.org/").




SKSE Plugins





SKSE Version: Checksum: 51DFC0AF




Recognised Plugins




These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action.


Skyrim.esm Active Checksum: C665FD56


Update.esm Active Checksum: D44490DC


Dawnguard.esm Active Checksum: 591C1C29

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



HearthFires.esm Active Checksum: 1BC399F5


Dragonborn.esm Active Checksum: 8426FEE1

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



ApachiiHair.esm Active Checksum: 783F7167


ApachiiHairMales.esm Active Checksum: 4D05C883


AP Skyrim.esm Active Checksum: 985304A4


BBLuxurySuite.esm Active Checksum: 3DF3C74E


ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Active Checksum: 8A5417B1


JSwords.esm Active Checksum: EBC73FCE


Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.esm Active Checksum: E44A1A77


MagicDuel.esm Active Checksum: 59ABD4D0


SPIKE.esm Active Checksum: 418D8B2F


TERAArmors.esm Active Checksum: DFB35007


HighResTexturePackFix.esp Active Checksum: D596F02A


VLCollisionFix.esp Active Checksum: 3D29CA16


Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Active Checksum: C9AEECEC


Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active Checksum: 4A46A8A7


Rainbows.esp Active Checksum: 55E59F7E


LIAT - Sounds.esp Active Checksum: 99FA1FD1


randomthunder.esp Active Checksum: 1058BBB4


EnhancedLightsandFX.esp Active Checksum: A84BAA29


ClimatesOfTamriel-VanillaNights-Lvl-3.esp Active Checksum: E574E771


ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp Active Checksum: CBE304CE


ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp Active Checksum: 77C47623


Weapons and Armor fixes.esp Active Checksum: D27D2F2


Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp Active Checksum: 119BC97C


StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active Checksum: 7985AB43


ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp Active Checksum: 94731DFA


Arachne.esp Active Checksum: 76DB6ACB


Birdsofskyrim.esp Active Checksum: 53C069A8


BonesTheDracolich.esp Active Checksum: A7B66AC3


Cat_mount.esp Active Checksum: 7EF8DBDC


Chau.esp Active Checksum: 51E41141


Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active Checksum: 4B85F657


DragonChristine.esp Active Checksum: 3F68DF05


Icy.esp Active Checksum: 74C0DDDB


Legs.esp Active Checksum: 95714901


LIAT - NPCs.esp Active Checksum: 44D3EDD1


UnlimitedBookshelves.esp Active Checksum: D039F264


lt_camping.esp Active Checksum: 4ED2DD60


Mononoke.esp Active Checksum: B89CDF4C


Moose&Carrie.esp Active Checksum: DEDD5384


Portable Campsite.esp Active Checksum: A833808D


ribeable-broom.esp Active Checksum: 7C37CBAF


SabreFurBag.esp Active Checksum: 78D9514B


ShootingStars.esp Active Checksum: CAC77F97


SMDropLitTorch.esp Active Checksum: 7A9B4891


TelekinesisImproved.esp Active Checksum: 366B3578


The Bears.esp Active Checksum: 17179179


Tiny.esp Active Checksum: 5F991957


Tytanis.esp Active Checksum: 3C85D188

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



Convenient Horses.esp Active Checksum: 53592306


CrowdedCities.esp Active Checksum: 92F9BAD9


Destructible_bottles.esp Active Checksum: DF07E0DF


SIM- NPC Additions.esp Active Checksum: D83ED437


SIM - NPCAdditionsWEREWOLVES.esp Active Checksum: F649A093


SIM - NPCAdditionsHOSTILE.esp Active Checksum: 40BCF91F


SIM - NPCSUBMITTED.esp Active Checksum: D6B998BD


SIM - Treasure Anywhere.esp Active Checksum: 26F43B79


Armor of Justice.esp Active Checksum: A4F2CAC1


Avatar of Baltazar.esp Active Checksum: C50F293F


BaratheonArmor.esp Active Checksum: 36F9EF59


battleflute.esp Active Checksum: 11016873


BBLSspouse.esp Active Checksum: FD08E557


Berserk Black Swordsman Armor - No Arm.esp Active Checksum: 3B818A44

* Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor



BR_Orcish_Armor_1_1.esp Active Checksum: 836881B2


daedric_phelm.esp Active Checksum: BC114371


DK_Armor_By_Hothtrooper44.esp Active Checksum: FCB07607


DragonHideRobeArmor.esp Active Checksum: 69630DA2


HedgeKnight.esp Active Checksum: 297CECE3


hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active Checksum: B1152321

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp Active Checksum: A3E3E943


Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp Active Checksum: 1A564FBA


LFArmors.esp Active Checksum: EF8F74B6


Lich King's Armor.esp Active Checksum: 5161938D


NightsWatchArmor.esp Active Checksum: 804CA08D


NightsWatchArmorLight.esp Active Checksum: F21BF3FB


PaladinArmor.esp Active Checksum: BAE1B8C2


PENIS.esp Active Checksum: BFAF426C

* Requires: Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes - ErectVersion ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2488")



PlatedMagiArmor.esp Active Checksum: 86513403


RedguardKnight.esp Active Checksum: 3CBDDCA7


Ritual Armor of Boethiah.esp Active Checksum: C6BCA82F


SamuraiArmor.esp Active Checksum: 178F368A


SamuraiBlades.esp Active Checksum: 87F0BCD2


SilverDragonArmor.esp Active Checksum: F254086C


TERAArmors.esp Active Checksum: A44A33E6

* Requires: DIMONIZED UNP female body ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709")



TERA Weapons.esp Active Checksum: B4DA9282


TH3WICK3D1-BlueStripesEliteArmor.esp Active Checksum: E82754E2


Thalmor Armour Set.esp Active Checksum: 7AC3742B

* Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859") cleaning. ("http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit")



Tribunal Maskes by Zairaam.esp Active Checksum: 814BC380


VagabondArmor.esp Active Checksum: 25B5A7C8


VanguardArmor.esp Active Checksum: 66E259E5


variant_armor_masks.esp Active Checksum: C3C72641


warchiefarmor.esp Active Checksum: DC23FF0B


WarchiefsMight.esp Active Checksum: F19B9C61


Dr_BandolierDG.esp Active Checksum: E6116C26


Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: 8534CD3C

* Note: Will conflict with mods that modify existing recipes.



DeadlyDragons.esp Active Checksum: 5764649B

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}



BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp Active Checksum: 7EB85CB9


buildablehouse.esp Active Checksum: 42D12EB9


Dragon Falls Manor.esp Active Checksum: 800FFD12


Run For Your Lives.esp Active Checksum: 976BD98E


When Vampires Attack.esp Active Checksum: E0CF37FD


Masters of Death.esp Active Checksum: 7B356CC8


armored-horses.esp Active Checksum: 3B1B7A1E


BetterSwimming.esp Active Checksum: ADB099BF


getdrunk.esp Active Checksum: 4C8E67


GloriousGrass.esp Active Checksum: DC15177


Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: F99AC53B


Headtracking.esp Active Checksum: B7C7F40B


Immersive Weapons.esp Active Checksum: 7346FFB4

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}



Ket_ARMONIZER_LListsNPC.esp Active Checksum: 3C45206

* Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}



SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Active Checksum: 48966F50


dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active Checksum: A01EF6DF


dD-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp Active Checksum: 435D7F73


smash locks and more.esp Active Checksum: 26C8C3D3


Spells Cast Light.esp Active Checksum: 685CD09B


Open Cities Skyrim.esp Active Checksum: 730DBA62


AdvancedWerewolf.esp Active Checksum: D0953F32


Advanced Vampires sun damage.esp Active Checksum: C8D99EE9


Revamped Vampire Lord.esp Active Checksum: 36096113


MidasSkyrim.esp Active Checksum: D931DDED


Physic Magic 0.8v.esp Active Checksum: B00B4074


ward shield.esp Active Checksum: DD2AB01D


FNISspells.esp Active Checksum: 2BDC88D9


More Visible Soul Trap Effect.esp Active Checksum: 2151D3EE


Realistic crime report radius.esp Active Checksum: 58E179F8


UnlimitedConjuration.esp Active Checksum: ACBEE1B


Sit Anywhere.esp Active Checksum: 7C755BBC


Skyhawk_eat_drink_animation.esp Active Checksum: C9388FD9


hornsareforever.esp Active Checksum: 22E67199


Dawnguard Eyes.esp Active Checksum: 2BECE3C0


TheEyesOfBeauty.esp Active Checksum: DF1D3216


Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp Active Checksum: 483B7C47


HothFollower.esp Active Checksum: 7F231AB9


UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active Checksum: B5975AF8

* Note: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load again, save and install UFO. For safe uninstall or update see special instructions on mod page ("http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14037").



UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp Active Checksum: 2F0B9E98


UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp Active Checksum: D34DD9EC


UFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons.esp Active Checksum: A2211F9


ApachiiHairStyles.esp Active Checksum: 8CC0E84E


ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp Active Checksum: C0886BAD


Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp Active Checksum: 24658104


BBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp Active Checksum: B541831F


BBLSVisitors.esp Active Checksum: 3E21F0EA


moveit.esp Active Checksum: AAD775C6


Spousetocustomhome.esp Active Checksum: FE27B2DF


KhajiitSenseOfSmell.esp Active Checksum: D7B1B316


getSnowy.esp Active Checksum: F1EBDDA9


WATER.esp Active Checksum: FB751550


Blacksmithforge water fix.esp Active Checksum: 54C3B1A3


WorldMapInFull3D.esp Active Checksum: 78DD5B64

* Note: If you are using other map mods, e.g. Quality World Map with roads, change uLockedTerrainLOD to 32 to display them (only indoors)



BBLSGuysApachii.esp Active Checksum: 972BAD69


Bashed Patch, 2.esp Active Checksum: 2C5BA0DD




Unrecognised Plugins




The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually, using your favourite mod manager or by using BOSS's user rules functionality. You can submit unrecognised plugins for addition to the masterlist directly from this log by clicking on a plugin and supplying a link and/or description of its contents in the panel that is displayed.


TairPresets.esp Active Checksum: DB9D52D5


Greybeard Armor.esp Active Checksum: 1E65680D


-Aela-.esp Active Checksum: 7E21FF11


Armor Dovahkiin & Forest Elves.esp Active Checksum: DC20C0C1


Bigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.esp Active Checksum: 85F3461B


Character Presets - MALE BRETON.esp Active Checksum: B0C4EFB1


Character Presets - MALE IMPERIAL.esp Active Checksum: 9257EBF8


Hadvar.esp Active Checksum: 5027DD5D


Legion Retrofit Mod.esp Active Checksum: E5D5E278


NoHairHeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeast.esp Active Checksum: 3D06F1F4


Ralof.esp Active Checksum: E2F54F6B


Sundys_Male_Presets.esp Active Checksum: 346A3354


Ice Form Improved.esp Active Checksum: 12DF4753


MoreEyebrows.esp Active Checksum: 82412086

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