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Problem with teleporting via triggers.


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Is there a way to teleport via triggers that actually works? The only way I could think of was to script the trigger to move the player to an xmarkerheading when they trigger it, but when go through, I end up stuck in the area I was moved to. Not frozen, if I try to move it simply jags me back to where I was, and when I try and open the console it closes it. It is really an odd problem. Chances are there is something wrong with my scripting, which is as follows:


scn IAHHDoorR1To2Script


Begin OnTrigger Player

player.moveto IAHHRoom2Mark




Could I be doing something horribly wrong with the scripting? Should I use something other than an xmarkerheading to move the player to? It is really bothering me to no end.

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Is there a way to teleport via triggers that actually works? The only way I could think of was to script the trigger to move the player to an xmarkerheading when they trigger it, but when go through, I end up stuck in the area I was moved to. Not frozen, if I try to move it simply jags me back to where I was, and when I try and open the console it closes it. It is really an odd problem. Chances are there is something wrong with my scripting, which is as follows:


scn IAHHDoorR1To2Script


Begin OnTrigger Player

player.moveto IAHHRoom2Mark




Could I be doing something horribly wrong with the scripting? Should I use something other than an xmarkerheading to move the player to? It is really bothering me to no end.

Try this instead


scn IAHHDoorR1To2Script
short once
short timer

Begin OnTrigger Player
if once == 0
 set once to 1
 set timer to 10
 player.movetomarker IAHHRoom2Mark

Begin gamemode
if once == 1 && timer >= 1
set timer to timer - 1
elseif once == 1 && timer == 0
set once to 0


Why was there an endif in your script, but no if condition? When using a static or semi-static location, such as a merker, it's best to use movetomarker instead of moveto. When dealing with the player, it's almost always best to use movetomarker since the game handles it differently.

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