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Light Blades Armour


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I have played Skyrim and I liked to see the Baldes have returned and their awesome looking Samurai esque armour (which I really liked the oblivion version), there is one problem. The Blades armour is a heavy armour and that would cause problems with players who uses light armour and followers who have a high light armour rating. I think someone should make a light armour version of the Blades armour, but I don't want a half-assed job of it by using the heavy armour and converting it into a light armour. I want people to be more creative.


The current Blades armour has heavy influences from Japanese Karuta tatami armour and Roman Lorica Segmentata styles of armor.


Karuta tatami armour



Lorica Segmentata



So I think the light Blades armour should have influences from other styles of Japanese and Roman armours. In previous games elder scrolls chainmail has been used as a light armour so a light Baldes armour would used styles from Japanese and Roman chainmail armours


Kusari gusoku (Japanese Chainmail)



Lorica hamata (Roman Chainmail)



Also I think there should be the return of the Dai-Katana from Oblivion

Edited by Roviakin71
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