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It's been years since I played Fallout 3.


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I finally picked up the GOTY edition on Steam. I think the last time I played this game was in 2009 on the Xbox 360. Now that I have it on PC I'm ready for another play through and I'm wondering if I selected all the really great mods and utilities. I'd love some input. :)


So far I picked up:


  • Fallout Mod Manager
  • BOSS
  • Fallout Script Extender
  • Unofficial Patch
  • Fallout Stutter Remover
  • FOIP- Fallout Interoperability Program
  • FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition
  • Fellout
  • Marts Mutant Mods
  • Weapon Mod Kits
  • FO3Edit (To make a merged patch)


Anything else I should grab?

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A great deal depends on what kinds of mods you like or think that you would like. There are several threads here started by people in your general situation.


Personally, I would rate 'DCinteriors' ( http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/5573 ) and Busworld ( http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/13064 ) very highly on the 'Must Have' list.

Edited by 7thsealord
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A great deal depends on what kinds of mods you like or think that you would like. There are several threads here started by people in your general situation.


Personally, I would rate 'DCinteriors' ( http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/5573 ) and Busworld ( http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/13064 ) very highly on the 'Must Have' list.


Wow, those look awesome. Especially DCinteriors. Thank you very much. :D

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No worries. There are a lot of GREAT mods around for pretty much everything imaginable (and then some). My own game has so many mods that looking at it would make a canon devotee self-combust.


Just ask, or do a wander through the threads - plenty of recommendations to be found. Good luck.

Edited by 7thsealord
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You're missing EVE, DCInteriors, A world of pain, Alton and afew others but you have a stable modded game there.


watch gophers fallout 3 tutorial vids, you have most of what he installed on em but I suggest you uninstal, reinstall fresh and follow those guides in his tutorials.

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I finally picked up the GOTY edition on Steam. I think the last time I played this game was in 2009 on the Xbox 360. Now that I have it on PC I'm ready for another play through and I'm wondering if I selected all the really great mods and utilities. I'd love some input. :)


So far I picked up:


  • Fallout Mod Manager
  • BOSS
  • Fallout Script Extender
  • Unofficial Patch
  • Fallout Stutter Remover
  • FOIP- Fallout Interoperability Program
  • FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition
  • Fellout
  • Marts Mutant Mods
  • Weapon Mod Kits
  • FO3Edit (To make a merged patch)


Anything else I should grab?


I've tested each of the following weather mods for a month each (I play Fallout Wanderer's Edition about 3 hours a day, more on weekends).




-Realistic, dark nights (but too dark & scary for some).

-Easy to install.



-No weather variation (rain, snow, etc); requires additional mod for changing weather


Other observations:

-Vivid, beautiful sunrise & sunsets.

-Best, most 'realistic' night of all weather mods.

-Fellout's bright, vivid colors are "pretty" but seem a bad mismatch with atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Good for a "spring pic-nic" vibe though :rolleyes:


Project Reality


-Weather patterns based on real-world weather pattern data.

-Many optional special effects: nuclear winter effect, radioactive (or non-radioactive) rain, heat shimmer, rain, thunder, snow, and windy weather.

-Color palette not "too pretty."

-Mountains on horizon look more real than other mods.

-Optional radioactive rain adds challenge to surviving the wasteland.

-Indoors rain sound effect is cool when it matches appropriate location (like abandoned houses in Minefield for example).

-Easy to install.



-Little buggy; some special effects had graphic glitches which broke immersiveness when they occur.

-Nights unrealistically well-lit; "Dark wasteland" feature broken. Every night looks like bright winter evening.

-Daytime light glare similar to 'light reflected off of snow' way which seemed unrealistic -- it's all year long.

-Least realistic rain effect.

-It "rains through the roof" when outdoors (hiding in an open tent, under a bridge, etc won't give you cover from the rain).

-Indoors rain sound effect is unrealistic because you still hear it when your deep in a vault or in subway tunnels.


Other observations:

-Vivid, beautiful sunrise & sunsets.

-Rains or snows very often.

-Most deadly radioactive rain of all mods. :devil:

-In the event of a real-world nuclear apocalypse current real world weather patterns would be altered so using real-world weather pattern data a moot point (sorry for being nit-picky!)


Xepha's Dynamic Weather


-Color pallette is well balanced and matches best with post-apolcalyptic wasteland atmosphere (though still a bit 'too green' for some people).

-Darker nights which are more realistic than unmodded Fallout.

-Weather includes realistic effects for rain, sand storms, thunder, different and varied realistic types of cloudy days; weather seemed most realistic all of mods with default settings.

-Weather control machine (optional) available via different means: either mini-quest, or vendor, or 'already installed in Pip-boy' depending upon your install choice.

-Lots of install options mean you get to pick features you want installed and leave out what you don't want.



-Requires download and installation of another weather mod's esm for rain to work.

-Nights still a bit too bright for 'reality freaks.'

-Lots of install options means more complicated install procedure (read the Readme file and pay close attention)

-It "rains through the roof" when outdoors (hiding in an open tent, under a bridge, etc won't give you cover from the rain).

-Resource intensive when it rains.


Enhanced Weather - Rain & Snow


-Rain looks realistic.

-Snow effects are well done.

-Easy to install.

-Optional radioactive rain adds challenge to surviving the wasteland.

-Compatible with some other weather mods -- its rain & snow effects are actually used by some other mods.



-It "rains through the roof" when outdoors (hiding in an open tent, under a bridge, etc won't give you cover from the rain).

-Resource intensive when it rains.

-No other effects other than rain, snow, & thunder.

-No change to night time sky -- default "bright nights."


Personally I like Xepha's Dynamic Weather the best overall because it matches the Fallout theme best, has the coolest (IMHO) weather variations, and adds the cool unmarked mini-quest.

I like Fellout's nights the best by far but hate the pretty colors -- doesn't match Fallout at all in that regard.

I want to like Project Reality more but the wierd sunglare that makes it feel like I should be wearing snow shades and broken Dark Wasteland feature were too much.

Enhanced Weather - Rain & Snow is great if all you want is a 'bare-bones' weather mod, or to add rain to Fellout if you decide you like Fellout for your game.


I agree w/ 7thSeaLord 100% -- DC Interiors and Busworld are very cool :thumbsup:

I have a problem with Busworld now though where when I enter a bus I fall through the floor so not using it -- a recent development when I reinstalled it. Did not have this prob on initial install and it is a COOL mod. Adds a lot of places to hide out and wait for the radioactive rain to stop.


You will definitely want RH_Ironsights as well. The ironsights are great and even compatible with the weapons of FWE.


I hate to rain on Dweedle's parade but you should read the EVE forums before deciding whether or not to install it. Many posts I've read complain of EVE crashing their game and they were usually people using FWE. I had that same problem as well which led me to the EVE forums.. I ended up uninstalling EVE which solved my instability issues. It was crashing to desktop every 5 minutes or so until I got rid of it. :wallbash: The people who don't seem to have stability problems with EVE that I've read about are using FOOK and not FWE. That being said, I have had conversations w/ people who told me they were able to use FWE & EVE together with few issues.


Anyhow have fun! I've been playing moddled Fallout with FWE and what 7th and you list nonstop since January 2012 and can't stop :biggrin:

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