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New weapon Idea


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This thought hit me while I was laying down to sleep last night and I just remembered it.


Uranium Bolt Thrower.


It would be a weapon you would need to create preferably, and it would use as ammo highly irradiated Uranium rods. What it would do is fire a bolt that isn't very powerfull damage wise, but it cripples like crazy and adds something like 25 rads to the target (obviously useless against Ghouls). Could even possible set it so it will pin arms to walls like the Railcannon, and in addition to the initial 25 rads it could add 5 rads/sec as long as they are pinned.


I think it would be cool to have but even cooler would be to get shot by one a couple times and finally be worried about rads. This could also make all the busted vehicles around more usefull as they could now be lootable to find the Uranium rods needed.


Anyways that's just an idea I had, thanks.

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hmmmmm. . .i like it. . .reminds me of half-life 2 but except it shoudnt be a crosbow. . .rather a weapon similar to the Fatman but rather than neumatics it would use linear rail acceleration tec to launch it . . would be sweet. . .maybe a varient that fires Eden's modified forced evolutionary virus-filled syringes, for the gouls; but if you think abouot it his virus wuda killed all life in dc so i guess it would be awesome against everything but machines . . .the viral rounds would be extra rare or cost a fortune to get . . .
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