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How to Script O.o


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Hello there,

I know a bunch of programming language, c++ c#, java and so on...

I also know, how scripting language works, like 3DSMax Script and LUA, I've also worked a bit with Unreal Engine and Unity too, so...


What I'm wondering here is how to change behaviour things in Skyrim ?

I'm lost on how to staring and how things works, for example, where are the code which rule the random traveller which

we meet on the road, or also, I would like that something happen when I get a specific angle of the head rotations,where should I put my script and how ?


Just to explain better actually I'd like to make a bunch of mod which require some scripts and all of that will change the way on how the game works.

Random encounter, or pausing the time/clock and wakeup the player during the sleeping time.


Can someone show me the right way to start ?

thanx a bunch :)



ok that's a good point to start :)

** http://tesmods.blogspot.it/search/label/mods

any others ?

Edited by MaximilianPs
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