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Seem to have lost a folder or two in common_unpack


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Since having to reinstall Far Cry 3, whenever I unpack common.dat, I appear to be missing some folders:


common\Far Cry 3\data_win32\common_unpack\worlds\fc3_main\generated\entitylibrary_converted\WeaponProperties

common\Far Cry 3\data_win32\common_unpack\worlds\fc3_main\generated\entitylibrary_converted\weapons


Actually, I seem to be missing entitylibrary.fcb...


And the directory above is messed up...


common\Far Cry 3\data_win32\common_unpack\worlds\worlds\_empty\levels\_empty\sdat

common\Far Cry 3\data_win32\common_unpack\worlds\worlds\_empty\levels\_empty\worldsector


I completely forget how to create/find the entitylibrary.fcb file. I think something got messed up when I reinstalled Far Cry 3.

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Actually, I just realized how I originally obtained the entitylibrary.fcb file inside my common_unpack folder. I had unpacked the Swartz Mod Compilation and copied the unpacked files into common_unpack. This leaves me with questions:


1. Does anyone have a clean, untouched entitylibrary.fcb file that I can download?


2. If I put the files from patch_unpack into common_unpack, mod the files and repack everything as common_unpack, am I doing it right, or should I keep the patch_unpack files in the patch_unpack folder and then pack up both the common and patch unpack folders separately?

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I was told that everything could reside in patch.dat, but I did notice some experiments I tried with lua files from common_unpack didn't work as expected. Of couse maybe they just don't work period. The problem with putting them in common.dat is it's a large file (400 mb I think??) and who knows what will happen if you leave files out of it?


I can say that changes I make to entity.fcb when packed into patch.dat seem to work correctly so for weapons I would say it's fine to put everything in the patch.dat file (which in theory is designed to supercede everything anyway)


I downloaded another mod myself the other night that contained a full common.dat so maybe modders have found that some things need to specifically be in that file. Don't know. Maybe someone more knowledgable can chime in and answer that for you.

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Well I guess I'll do all my modding within common_unpack, then when I'm ready to actually compile, I'll paste the entirety of my common_unpack (which includes everything from patch_unpack) into patch_unpack and compile it.


I'd still love to get a fresh, unmodified copy of all the unpacked files, simply because I'm using Swartz' Mod Compilation, unpacked, to get the entitylibrary.fcb file. Every time I unpack my patch.dat and common.dat, it never generates the entitylibrary.fcb file, among others.

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I had to move my files to C:\unpack to make the path short enough and unpack there. EntityLibrary was inside common.dat
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You are aware that entitylibrary.fcb is found in fc3_main.dat in worlds\fc3_main\generated directory.

Are you also aware that you use filters with Gibbed.Dunia2.Unpack.exe so you only extract the file or files you want instead of the whole fc3_main.dat contents?

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Are you also aware that you use filters with Gibbed.Dunia2.Unpack.exe so you only extract the file or files you want instead of the whole fc3_main.dat contents?


I was not aware of this, nor do I care because I prefer having everything unpacked.


You are aware that entitylibrary.fcb is found in fc3_main.dat in worlds\fc3_main\generated directory.

I am indeed, but the fc3_main.dat is not unpacking properly via the respective unpacker. Some error message thing.

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