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Cant loot bodies.


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You can try and disable SkyUI as Steve suggests and see if it's the culprit (although I've never had that issue with any version of SkyUI, but you never know). Make sure you are updated to version 3.1.


You should also download TES5Edit and clean the esm's flagged by BOSS as containing 'dirty edits.' That's probably not what's causing the issue you described but they do cause other problems.

Edited by ripple
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I already cleaned the dirty edits, And I will try the skyUI update and removing it.


*Edit* I already had latest skyUI, and I removed it, didnt help, I simply added it back, still doesnt help. Im totaly out of ideas. Thou like I mentioned earlyer when I click on my character and typed RESSURECT in console, active effects got removed and I could see names of conjured NPCs. Idk how does the active effects or ressurect command affects the names not showing up. Mabe you know?

Edited by skyrimcrafter1919
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Maybe a mod is putting a script or a scripted magic effect of the player that is disabling the player's activate controls?



Try using the console and type "EnablePlayerControls" (without quotes). See if that fixes it.


Ok I will try that and then report back!





Ah crap... didn't work :( Im very sad, Idk what to do even in this situation. I would so hate to start new save. Hm I have old save, not OMG OLDDDDDDDD but older then current save, I could try that maybe its my only chance?

Edited by skyrimcrafter1919
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