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Help creating armor replacer mod


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Hello, I'm trying to create my first skyrim mod as a replacer mesh and texture for dragonplate armor and everything has gone fine except for one thing: The mesh for the cuirass is all messed up and out of place. The thing I don't understand is that the helmet, boots, gauntlets and shield are all fine but the cuirass is wrong. So can anyone tell me how to take my new mesh and texture and replace the vanilla files so everything is in place? I also have a strange issues when I replace the original .nif files with my new ones, what I did was put and extra "1" at the end of the name of my new files, move them into the vanilla mesh folder, delete the vanilla files and then my new meshes and textures showed up in game, but when i went back later and took the extra 1 out of their names so they would be identical to the vanilla names all the armor shows up as purple textures in game. So what am I doing wrong, I followed the wiki guide but it doesn't have many details when it comes to replacing the vanilla mesh with the new one. Thank you for any help! Edited by grunt11
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