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Character Selection Screen


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Personally, i think it's rather lame that you when you make a new character, and you want to go back to play a previous character, you have to search through saves, if you are the type that saves saves saves, then saves some more on different saves. Having a way to sort would be super cool. I don't know if it's doable, and if it is, will be a huge task.


Replace the "Play" with "Select Character" on the main load screen. Dunno if you can create 'slots' by character name, but that would probably be the easiest. Once you select the character, it can list the saves for that character. Or if you want to take a cooler approach, have an avatar representing the character with current gear/appearance at the time of save.


I have no idea where to even begin looking to start such a feat, but i am willing to lend my help if it is needed, if it is a monotonous task or something of the like. Anyways, just thought it would be cool feature ;)

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You can name your savefiles... Either by editing the actual name of them, or by doing the following;


1. Click the '~' key, it is usally next to the 1.

2. Type savegame or save and then followed by <filename>

3. Replace the '<>' with nothing.

4. should look like

savegame Bobby


savegame "Bobby - Level 20"


save Bobby


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