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The Package Stack


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For unknown reasons, my Package Stack seems to be flipped around.

This is how I understood it - in fact thats also how it always worked for me until now:



1. Scene Packages

2. Alias Packages

3. Actor Packages


Now to find the problem, I've set things up as simple as possible: I've got a mundane NPC with a single DefaultStayAtLocation package and a button telling him to use an IdleMarker. To follow the progress every Begin, Change and End step of Scene and Package is marked by a Notification. My NPC refuses to oblige, the package starts but there is no action. IF I keep the actor's AI Packages empty, he does as told, but that's hardly viable. Anyone got an idea?


Thanks for your time!


- Foar


Nevermind, seems the scene was bugged, recreating it with the same settings solved it... odd !

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