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[LE] Arrow explosion script

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You add an "Enchantment" to the "Explosion" that it will play on your projectile.

The "Enchantment" of the explosion will run a simple script.

Simple Example:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Game.AdvanceSkill("Marksman", 10.0)


* The "Enchantment" will only run if the arrow hit the actor.

* The quantity of the XP i put is random, this needs some testing to not give the player too much or too little XP.

I hope it helps.

Edited by maxarturo
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You add an "Enchantment" to the "Explosion" that it will play on your projectile.
The "Enchantment" of the explosion will run a simple script.
Simple Example:
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
Game.AdvanceSkill("Marksman", 10.0)
* The "Enchantment" will only run if the arrow hit the actor.
* The quantity of the XP i put is random, this needs some testing to not give the player too much or too little XP.
I hope it helps.


If I recall right the other issue was the AI did not attach the damage to you IE it was damage not coming from the player. Tho that may have been Fallout or OB LOL

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You add an "Enchantment" to the "Explosion" that it will play on your projectile.
The "Enchantment" of the explosion will run a simple script.
Simple Example:
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
Game.AdvanceSkill("Marksman", 10.0)
* The "Enchantment" will only run if the arrow hit the actor.
* The quantity of the XP i put is random, this needs some testing to not give the player too much or too little XP.
I hope it helps.


If I recall right the other issue was the AI did not attach the damage to you IE it was damage not coming from the player. Tho that may have been Fallout or OB LOL


Enchanted bolts and arrows was one of them, I've not looked in a few years but I was working on and off on 3 tiers of arrows/bolts damage/radius and 2-3 tiers of arrow/bolt speed, plus anti undead silver arrows and bolts, stuff liek dragon bone and dwarfen being heavy and not able to go far. I wish the aiming system did not suck the faster you make an arrow the harder it is to aim and forget the NPCs using it.... really wish NPCs could use preks becuase I half finished an undead mod that made fighting unddead insanely hard without fire or silver and somewhat hard with just magic, was using a reverse cloak thing from the player so any undead in range got super damage resistance. Tried to make a zombie virus with the clock spells and a randomized raise dead spell but the hard codded resurrect script did not play nicely with randomization (I LAOTH it begin locked to levels, should be random based on level). Wonder if anyone ever made a silver weapons/armor set for it.

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