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Requesting personal likeness via character creator...


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Hey, everyone. I'm sure requests like this are a dime a dozen, but i'd really appreciate it if someone could create a character for me alla Oblivion that bears my own personal likeness. I'm usually adept at character creators but Oblivion's has always eluded me. I'd just need it done and saved at the gate exiting the sewers so i can go back and edit the classes, birthsign, etc.


For pics of me, http://www.myspace.com/John112185


Appreciate it all! :thanks:



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And you know, it's just a damned shame that no one has come out yet with a mod for JUST THIS. What i, personally, would want/need is something that gave me reference points on the face to establish ratios between the different points (IE: cheek bones to nose to chin, etc.) Once i had that THEN i could tweak it into a perfect likeness via the original obliv character gen. It's fustrating for me cuz, as i said, i've always been really good at character creators until i played this game, lol. If i ever get around to it, i'll post my SPORE race on the sporenexus forums. Quite proud of that one.
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