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MrAndrooson - BANNED

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MrAndrooson banned.


Reason for the ban


Mod Comment troll.


The explanation for how to use this manager is f***ing garbage. I just shattered my favorite glass in frustration but I f***ing wish it was the face of a few of the f***ing assholes who don't know how to properly explain anything. Your s*** f***ing page doesn't specify anything about wrapper or injector. Nowhere f***ing does. I still don't even know which f***ing one to pick. It also doesn't f***ing say how to navigate that stupid f***ing god damn ENB website. Seriously what a hard to navigate piece of s*** site that is. Also, "-Download the desired version from the ENB website."

You're a f***ing idiot buddy. You have to download the correct ENB that corresponds with whatever ENB preset you want to use. NOWHERE f***ing explains that properly either. You make it sound like you can just pick whatever f***ing one you want and i'm pretty sure that's not how it f***ing works at all. And any f***ing ENB guide for your shitty program or just a manual install never mentioned about f***ing with the INI settings. This is seriously pathetic. None of the assholes doing ENB guides should ever do guides for anything in their lives as long as they f***ing live. There's a reason so many people have trouble getting these to work. All that would be required to fix that is CLEAR INFORMATION!!!! It's not that f***ing hard. Jesus christ


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