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Flaming Frost-Fire Skull Head / Alternative Start (Vengeful Returned)


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So the story goes, you do get beheaded in the beginning, but through the mighty will of Akatosh, your body rises, in place of a head, you have a blue frost-flame skull!


Kind of like Ghost Rider but Elder Scrolls style would be cooooooooooool


Could also serve as a handy torch in dungeons, lol



Tradeoff to not being able to use a helmet, could be a daily ability to absorb a low level NPC's lifeforce, making the flame burn brighter. Could also add some leveling progression where you gain armor as you continue to absorb souls to power your vengeance.


Could also add maniacal laughter as you use your daily ability.


Could maybe add a ritual to reverse this... affliction, providing you keep your mortal head in your inventory.

Edited by bloupotlood
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