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How can I edit Max ammo?


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I'm can't speak english very well because I'm foreigner

Maybe misspelling is here..


I want edit max ammo grenadelauncher


I edit craftingrecipe.lib then I edit sItemSize


and I edit entitylibrary-iShopAmmoOverride


But It doesn't apply to maxammo



Where is maxammo data? How can I edit maxammo?

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Crafting recipes just change the text that is displayed to the player not the actual amounts (as you found out). You'll need to edit BonusPlanServices.xml which i think is in the entities fcb. Sorry I'm not at my home PC so trying to go off memory (yikes!). Anyway that bonus services plan contains entries like ammopouch_lv1 in which you can modify the amounts.


Note these are usually "additive" meaning they add on to the level below them so if the base amount is say 4 and the first level of rockt pack gives 2 then the player will have 6 max ammo when crafts that first pouch. Then if the next pouch is 2 he will have a max of 8 when he crafts and so forth.


Good luck!

Edited by jvarnes
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