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Draugr Glowing Eyes Fixed, Red Glow Left?


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I finished a dungeon crawl and came out with the Draugr blue glowing eyes. I ran the console commands addspell/removespell to fix the problem. The glowing blue discs are gone, only to be replaced with a glowing red effect (not near as powerful as the Draugr blue).


Any idea how to get rid of this? Is there a way to dump all the spells/effects on a player so I can try to remove them?



Edited by skyrimnub
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I had the same issue, but I finally found the fix. This glow comes from Skyrim Immersive creatures, another Draugr Ability, so once you have gto rid of the blue glow you must type:


player.addspell xxx8d30c


player.removespell xxx8d30c


to remove the red glow. XXX is the load order of the mod (1c0 in my case). Just type help "Draugr Abilities" in the console to find the correct number

Edited by Ozram
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