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I'm trying to put an effectshader on a projectile


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For some reason the Creation Kit doesn't give the option of putting effectshaders on projectiles. Basically I need a beam to emit flame particles, but since there are no nif plugins for any modeling software that let you export particle systems, i'm kind of screwed on this regard.


The only thing I can think of is adding the effectshader through a script, but I kind of suck at Papaya. Is there anyone that could possibly help me out here?


This is what I have so far.


Scriptname FXFireBeam extends projectile

Keyword Property FireBeamProperty Auto

EffectShader Property FXFireBeam  Auto

Event OnLoad()  

   FXFireBeam.Play(self, -5)


Event OnUnload()




The only problem is that you cant freaking apply scripts to projectiles so the whole "self" reference variable is invalid because I have to apply this script to the magic effect that summons the projectile. What is the easiest way to reference the specific projectile in this instance? Any help is much appreciated.

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