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Cowboy bebop


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I was looking for a mod that adds a new drug to the game called Bloody Eye. the drug would need a red tinge or red veins around the edge of the screen "Borderlands 2 gunzerking" some kind of time slowing effect during the duration or "during aiming preferably", and a couple of sound files. the first would be right after using "

and during the usage of said drug "
Optional: add the effects of "jet, phyco. and med X, for the ultimate drug.. Balance: addicted on the first usage, rare " buy only from a guy named Asimov", and its expensive. Reference: http://cowboybebop.wikia.com/wiki/Bloody_Eye ill leave the fine tuning and additions to the pros.




for the big quest makers, maybe tie in a background story relevant to the cowboy bebop one< like Asamov and his girl, rosa are trying to sell enough bloody eye to make it to <DESTINATION> and the syndicate is looking for them because they stole the whole batch.. offer players to branch on Asomovs side or to help the syndicate catch him, with respective rewards from each side.

Edited by nukespike
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