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Adding Colored Text To Mod Pages


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Hey guys, I'm in need of a little help regarding adding colored text in the Mod Description page!


My mod

^^ This is my mod, If you open it you'll see that I've also posted images and increased font size


>What doesnt seem to work for me is adding colored text! I am aware of BBCODE and I'm using the Forum editor to modify my text and add images


>In the forum editor when I add color to a text it shows up perfectly in the message preview and within the forums itself:


example: I CAN TYPING!!!


>BUT, if I use the forum editor to edit my mod description page by using CTRL+C and CTRL+V, the images show up, the text size has increased but NO COLORED TEXT!!


>Am I total NOOB?! or am I doing something wrong!? Please Help...

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Try removing the inverted commas from the color declaration.


ie. change to


That's what I do with all BBCode for descriptions: seems to work for me.

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