404UserNotFound Posted January 27, 2013 Share Posted January 27, 2013 (edited) This project is simply a work in progress at this point in time, but it's a very easy to understand project. Basically, there are some weapons in the game files that are for Multiplayer only, and cannot be accessed in Single Player (well, legitimately anyway, as far as I can tell). Right now I'm basically debating on the best way to make this happen. I'm thinking of doing this one of two ways: Add in the ability to purchase the weapons in Single Player using the existing tagged "multi" weapon files, for example "BOW.Multi.ULC_PredatorBow.xml". I think this is the harder way simply because the ".Multi." files might cause issues in Single Player.Make copies of the files such as "BOW.Multi.ULC_PredatorBow.xml" and rename the copies to "BOW.ULC_PredatorBow.xml" (basically just removing the "multi" part), then change IDs as necessary, and add linkage into the shop to allow the equipping of the weapons. At this point in time, I'm using method #2, creating copies of the files as it seems to be the easiest, albeit more time-consuming method of achieving this. Hopefully, if I can get this first test to work, the first test being to see if I can make the Predator Bow accessible and usable in Single Player, then I'll have a good idea of how to get the other weapons into Single Player. As for the weapons I'll be trying to add, here's what I've planned out so far: Type 10 Flare GunThe Type 10 Flare Gun from Multiplayer.Currently working on this. Predator BowThe Predator Bow from Multiplayer. This is my starting point, and what I'm currently working on, to see if I actually am able to carry over multiplayer content into Single Player.Will include the Fire & Explosive arrows, as files for both types of arrows in Multiplayer are present.Currently put on hold due to bugs causing both the Recurve Bow and Predator Bow to equip at the same time. The Silver DragonAlready appears in Swartz' Mod Compilation, available here at the Nexus, except for some reason the bloody thing doesn't properly show up as "Equipped". Gonna try to fix that though. The other issue with this is that with Swartz' Mod Compilation, it shares the same icon as the machete or the tribal knife (I forget which at the moment). There should be a proper icon for it, so I'll search for it. SHIV.xmlThe Shiv from when you "return from the dead" before heading off to Vaas' island (thanks for the info Urwy!). This, as Urwy said, would be an interesting addition to the Melee weapons, though I don't know how well it would function when you try to skin a carcass....I'll give it the ol' college try anyway! Having some issues with this one. It appears as the Silver Dragon for me, for some reason, when meleeing or skinning corpses. Not sure why, but this one might be a no-go. NPCKnife.ExoticMiniGameKnife.xmlThis is for the knife throwing minigame. Just imagine if we could use this in Single Player as an actual weapon. I am so going to test this and see if I can make it work. Right now, this is a "maybe". As well as those two weapons, there are also a few items that I've seen in both the "entitylibrary_converted\weapons\FC3" and "entitylibrary_converted\WeaponProperties\FC3" folders that I might try to port into Single Player....the only problem is that for some of them, I have no clue what they are. If you have any info on the weapons listed below, please post it, because I have no clue what the hell half this stuff is. Some of this stuff isn't even weapons, but things like ammo and attachments. Depending on what this stuff is, I may have the desire to convert it into usable stuff in Single Player. First off, the "E3" weapons! Information is needed on these. Were these used in demonstrations at E3? What is the main difference between these and their official counterparts, if any? I personally will be comparing their files to the non-E3 files using a diff viewer to see what the main changes are. BOW.BOW_E3.xmlE3 version of the Recurve Bow? DesertEagle.D50_e3.xmlE3 version of the Desert Eagle? A2000.A2000_E3.xmlE3 version of the A2000? KSV.KSV_e3.xmlE3 version of the KSV? KW1911.KW1911_ChopperE3.xmlKW1911.KW1911_SilencerE3.xmlLooks to be two attachments for the KW1911, or maybe two custom versions of the KW1911, but there's that E3 in the name again. P416.P416_E3.xmlE3 version of the P416? Now some "CCE" labelled items which, for some reason, I think means they are some sort of left out or unused Collector's Edition content....not sure though. BOW.Multi.Aegir_CCE.xml"CCE" leads me to believe this is a Collector's Edition weapon for Multiplayer, and I know it's not the Predator Bow because the Predator Bow's XML file is named "BOW.Multi.ULC_PredatorBow.xml". Google yields no results whatsoever. 40mmGrenade.Multi.Idun_CCE.xmlI think this is Grenade Launcher ammunition, but again, it has that CCE part in its name which leads me to believe it's Collector's Edition content. GM-94.Multi.Idun_CCE.xmlGoogle brings up results suggesting this is actually supposed to be named GL-94, so I'm guessing this is the grenade launcher that goes along with the 40mmGrenade.Multi.Idun_CCE.xml up there. The only thing that throws me off is the CCE because there's also a normal file for the grenade launcher in Multiplayer named "GM-94.Multi.xml" PKM.Multi.Freyja_CCE.xmlAnother "CCE" weapon, this time nicknamed "Freyja". Name suggests it's a PKM. Still not sure what this is. RPG-7.Multi.Skadi_CCE.xmlRPG-7_Rocket.Multi.Skadi_CCE.xmlAnother "CCE" weapon, this time an RPG-7 named Skadi, and an associated rocket ammunition. Again, not sure what this is. As for these, I honestly have no clue what the hell this stuff is. Any info at all would be swell. R700.R700_NPC.Coop_FPP_Hack.xmlOoh, a special R700....but the name suggests it's a co-op weapon...don't know what FPP stands for..."Hack"...ok now I'm lost. Edited January 30, 2013 by 404UserNotFound Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urwy Posted January 28, 2013 Share Posted January 28, 2013 (edited) Very nice! Although i think the weapons with "citra" in them refer to the bossfight at citra's temple. (E.g. BOW.citraBossFightBow.xml.. Its the bow with unlimited explosive arrows used in the bossfight.) That giant does spit flames and fireballs at you. ;) This guy: Reveal hidden contents http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/11/115655/2382517-2012_12_02_00005.jpg And the Shiv is used after you "return from the dead" before heading off to Vaas' island. You just lost all your gear, so you'll be left with a shiv te fend for yourself. So that one definitely appears ingame. It'd be fun to have it as alternative to the machete, tanto or dragon knife though. =) Edit:As for those magical swords.. I think it has something to do with this: Reveal hidden contents http://i0.wp.com/www.therefinedgeek.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Far-Cry-3-Screenshot-Wallpaper-Final-Trial-of-the-Warrior.jpg Although i cant say for sure, as i randomly found that and i'm not that far into the campaign yet. :P Btw, does this mean you're adding additional weapons to the stores? Or are you simply replacing certain weapons already available? Edited January 28, 2013 by Urwy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
404UserNotFound Posted January 30, 2013 Author Share Posted January 30, 2013 (edited) I'll be adding them to the stores for purchase and equip. I'm debating on whether or not to add a new category of weapons, where you can find all the new weapons, or just adding the weapons into their proper categories. I'll also edit my post above to remove some stuff that you've provided info on (except the Shiv, I'll be trying to add that in as an actual weapon) As for the Citra stuff, you are correct about the bow. There is the file for the bow itself, and the file for the explosive arrows as well. But this other weapon is supposedly an LPO-50, and I don't know where you use an LPO-50 in regards to Citra (as I haven't even completed the main SP campaign yet). It's a mystery! As well, I did find the file for the pistol used in the hallucination where you kill Vaas. That is labelled as "KW1911.1911VaasScene.xml", and it's got some funny settings, some of which could be the basis for setting up unlimited ammo for all weapons. As far as I can tell though, it doesn't have any huge damage modifiers to make it a one-hit kill gun. But here's some stuff I found in its file relating to how crazy it is: <field name="fLevel" type="Float32">55</field> <!-- Damage level 55, same as the base game KW1911, I checked. --> <object name="FireRate"> <field name="fBusyDuration" type="Float32">0</field> <field name="iFireRate" type="Float32">400</field> <!-- High fire rate --> <field name="bControlsSpeedOfShootAnims" type="Boolean">True</field> <field name="selFireRateMode" type="Enum">SingleShot</field> <field name="fPrepareShotTime" type="Float32">0</field> <field name="iMeleeSwingRate" type="Float32">60</field> </object> <object name="Ammo"> <field name="text_ammoAmmoType" type="String">pistol</field> <field name="ammoAmmoType" type="Hash32">A2D12CBB</field> <field name="iAmmoInClip" type="Int32">99999</field> <!-- A ton of ammo in the clip --> <field name="bUsesClips" type="Boolean">False</field> <!-- ...but it doesn't use clips... --> <field name="bIsAmmoVisible" type="Boolean">False</field> <!-- And no visible ammo! --> <field name="fAmmoRemainingRatioForReloadPrompt" type="Float32">0.3</field> <field name="iShopAmmoOverride" type="Int32">120</field> </object> Edited January 30, 2013 by 404UserNotFound Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IncubusDragon Posted January 30, 2013 Share Posted January 30, 2013 (edited) Japanese Tanto is unlocked in single player after you collected 6 "Letters of the Lost". It gives you double the melee power of the standard machete, so worth collecting half a dozen letters for it ;) also, just a thought, maybe the E3 weapons are the weapons used for the E3 and other conventions for the sake of game demonstrations? (just guessing) Edited January 30, 2013 by IncubusDragon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
404UserNotFound Posted January 30, 2013 Author Share Posted January 30, 2013 (edited) On 1/30/2013 at 9:21 AM, IncubusDragon said: Japanese Tanto is unlocked in single player after you collected 6 "Letters of the Lost". It gives you double the melee power of the standard machete, so worth collecting half a dozen letters for it ;) also, just a thought, maybe the E3 weapons are the weapons used for the E3 and other conventions for the sake of game demonstrations? (just guessing) That guess is as good as mine. And good to know about the Japanese Tanto. I had a feeling it was unlocked with the WW2 collectibles. Guess I don't have to worry about modding that in. But hey, on the flip side, I finally got around to compiling everything for a test, and I've discovered that I have two bugs to fix (that I can see, any way. Due to Bug #1, I haven't done further testing yet). Here's a video of me checking if my modding worked properly in Single Player. This was re-filmed after I discovered that my modding did indeed work, and there was a nice little yellow circular ! indicator on the "Special weapons" part of the shop, indicating that there was a new weapon for me to check out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4-ArmfNhV4 I've been going over all the files I've modified/added for the Predator Bow, trying to figure out what is causing it to equip both the Recurve Bow and the Predator Bow at the same time (as seen in the video above), but I can't figure it out. It's really starting to annoy me. Edited January 30, 2013 by 404UserNotFound Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urwy Posted January 30, 2013 Share Posted January 30, 2013 On 1/30/2013 at 7:12 AM, 404UserNotFound said: As for the Citra stuff, you are correct about the bow. There is the file for the bow itself, and the file for the explosive arrows as well. But this other weapon is supposedly an LPO-50, and I don't know where you use an LPO-50 in regards to Citra (as I haven't even completed the main SP campaign yet). It's a mystery! Well, the LPO/50 is the flamethrower you can buy in the stores already. So my guess is that Reveal hidden contents the LPO-50.CitraFlamebreath.xml is the flamebreath the gaint shoots at you during the cirta boss fight. And since that guy does not have any visible weapons, it sort of spits the flames at you. Which might explain why it seems to resemble an attachment, as it serves as an attachment to an npc, not a weapon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
404UserNotFound Posted January 30, 2013 Author Share Posted January 30, 2013 On 1/30/2013 at 6:35 PM, Urwy said: On 1/30/2013 at 7:12 AM, 404UserNotFound said: As for the Citra stuff, you are correct about the bow. There is the file for the bow itself, and the file for the explosive arrows as well. But this other weapon is supposedly an LPO-50, and I don't know where you use an LPO-50 in regards to Citra (as I haven't even completed the main SP campaign yet). It's a mystery! Well, the LPO/50 is the flamethrower you can buy in the stores already. So my guess is that Reveal hidden contents the LPO-50.CitraFlamebreath.xml is the flamebreath the gaint shoots at you during the cirta boss fight. And since that guy does not have any visible weapons, it sort of spits the flames at you. Which might explain why it seems to resemble an attachment, as it serves as an attachment to an npc, not a weapon. Good to know. Guess I'll remove that from the list. I've removed all my files for the Predator Bow, mainly due to the "double-equip" bug that I can't seem to resolve. I've started from scratch, this time on the Type-10 Flare Pistol, using the existing files in "data_win32\patch_unpack\worlds\fc3_main\generated\entitylibrary_converted\WeaponProperties" and "data_win32\patch_unpack\worlds\fc3_main\generated\entitylibrary_converted\weapons", instead of creating custom files for the weapon using copies of the "Multi" (Multiplayer weapon XML files) like I did the first time. We'll see how this goes. As for the hidName (stupid hash32 crap) in the shoppingitems file for the weapon, I just copied the hidName of the XML file in the entitylibrary_converted files and pasted it in. Hopefully this works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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