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Arthas Menethil

Guest deleted2588518

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Guest deleted2588518

First and foremost, this is only an expression of an idea. A concept that, realistically, will never, ever be considered by any serious mod maker. Nor do I see anyone realistically devoting the time and energy needed to produce this idea. I sure as hell couldn't. That being said, on to the show.


"So, I had this idea for a great movie..."


Peg me for a Warcraft fan. Guilty as charged. But before you roll your eyes and toss out some random insult, please be aware that my fandom resides squarely in the WC-RTS games and not so much in the WoW franchise. Even less now days considering the monstrosity that is the Blizzard Retcon team.


There is something to be said for the story Warcraft developed. The First War and the fall of Azeroth, the Second War with the defeat of Blackhand and the Dark Portal and eventual re-founding of the Kingdom of Stormwind. The Third War and the fall of Lordaeron. Granted, all material borrowed in some way from another epic or story, and yet still a compelling story. The amalgamation of not two, not three, not even four well known archetypes mashed together to give one of the most eclectic Hero turned Villain, in my humble opinion, Fantasy has ever known. The epic of King Aurther, mashed with Lord of the Rings and splashed with Star Wars and even some Warhammer. I don't know what the guys over at Blizzard North were smoking at the time, but holy hell... I'm sure glad they did and had the balls to produce it and the ability to pull it off. Call me a fanboy? Sure, I'll take that for what its worth. Remember, those same guys wrote Diablo. Who knows where those guys are now. I'll tell you they are sorely missed in the recent years.


Anyways, rambling... You might imagine what I'm thinking. An alternate start for Skyrim. Perhaps even a complete overhaul. Who knows, really... The basis of the story and the majority of the content would be for a single purpose. To play first hand the story of Arthas Menethil. From young, capable Paladin of the Silver Hand to the Scourge of Azeroth.


The scope of this idea is simply impossible. "Why not simply play WC3 again?" You might ask. And you would be right in doing so. The answer is obvious. It would be in first person. It would be using the Skyrim engine and it would be so epic... so fundamentally nostalgic that it would completely and utterly ruin your life.


We start where He starts. As a young paladin being sent off by his father to help Uther with the Orcs. Pretty simple really. A few quests here and there... Help the farmer recover his journal from the bandits, save little Timmy from the Gnolls... Save a town, kill some Orcs... You already know where this is going... The story is already there. It would just require a person with the desire and insanity to see it done. Not to mention the impossible amount of free time required. I surely can't ask anyone to waste their life recreating this story for the sake of my nostalgia. Or even the nostalgia of any and all Warcraft fans. Nor would I wish the legal and copyright issues on anyone who would take up this impossible idea.


I can only say that it would be the most epic video game port ever made. To walk in the footsteps of Arthas? To share his tragedy first hand? Trudge through the endless undead, defend Hearthglen, Battle Mal'Ganis, Burn Stratholme, Find Frostmourne, Kill the King, Your Father!? (what tragedy!) Become a thing of pure evil and command the hordes of the undead? Slog through the Northrend underworld in a race against time to battle Illidan Stormrage!? BECOME the Lich King!?!?!


I ask you random forum dweller... Does that not sound... Epic? You battle the scourge, you fall victim to Frostmourne, YOU become the very thing you hate. The very thing that destroys your home and all you hold dear. YOU become the fallen.


I'll attach a link to youtube with the story elements for those who do not know them or only know bits an pieces. (basically, its all of WC3 and bits of WoW without needing to play). Just enjoy the story. And if you have time... pick up the epic of King Aurthur, Read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, Watch Star Wars (obviously for Darth Vadar) ;)


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