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I can't Die Anymore after Uninstalling Essential Player Mod


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First:: I wasn't sure if this shouldv'e gone in Mod TroubleShooting, Here, Or Else Where.

Please Move accordingly if needed.


Now:: As the title says.. I can't seem to die...

Now normally it doesn't bother me, because I usually play cautiously.

And don't die offten therefore I don't take much notice...


But here today I got my wittle kitty noggin sliced off by some bandit with daddy issues.

And I stood there utterly freaked out as my then headless Khajiit Maiden

walked around with her fuzzy head lopped off rolling about on the floor like... well a head. Bleh!


Anyway, a few months ago I uninstalled the SM Essential Player Mod.

It was.. interesting at first, but It seemed buggy for me..

and often wouldn't work the way it may have been intended to.


But it seems now I can't seem to die. Ever. My health goes to zero,

and nothing happens I can just keep on goin no problem.

((After a bit my health does return, but it seems to take a while))

I've checked both ToggleGodMode((TGM)) and ToggleImmortalMode((TIM...Lol?)).

But neither are on, but yet I can't seem to die. It's a rather serious bug

seeing as it directly effects both my immersion and the gameplay itself. Obviously. ^ u ^;;


It's taking the, "AH I'M GONNA DIE!" feeling away and... it's no funzeez! ; A ;



Any Advice or fixes?

Help here would be greatly appriciated!! <3

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The latest installment of that mod seems to have a hotfix included for the purpose of disabling it.

I always suggest to follow a procedure of "safe uninstall", in any case, since bits and bits of mods always stack up on your character save file.

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He is Duncan MacDragonborn, the Skylander. Born in 1592 in the

Highlands of Skyrim and he is still alive. He is immortal. For

400 years hes been a warrior, a lover, a wanderer, constantly

facing other immortals in a combat to the death. The winner takes

his enemys head and with it his power. I am a Watcher, part of a

secret society of men and women who observe and record, but never

interfere. We know the truth about immortals. In the end, there can

be only one. May it be Duncan MacDragonborn, the Skylander.



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The latest installment of that mod seems to have a hotfix included for the purpose of disabling it.

I always suggest to follow a procedure of "safe uninstall", in any case, since bits and bits of mods always stack up on your character save file.


Ah I seem to have remedied the issue!


Thanks Everyone! <3

Edited by SOLIDShift
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