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Help would be appreciated


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So, I'm trying to reskin the female journeyman robes to make the 'skirt' part of it transparent, effectively making it a normal outfit.


However, whenever I use the traditional *Select area and hit delete*, which works on almost every other outfit ('Cept for the Silencer's vestments armors), It doesn't do anything ingame. SO, I tried applying a mask to it. Nope, nothing. I know at one point I got it to be an 'opaque transparent', basically where it was invisible, but opaque. Blocked my legs and such, leaving a void there. I know I didn't make the legs transparent, because if I tried to look up the skirt (Pervert mode, GO!), then I could see the legs.


Anyways, my main reasoning for doing this is to modify the 'Silencer's Vestments' robes, thanks for reading! x3

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