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[REQ] Power armor helmet point of view


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Hi there all,


I was wondering if anyone out there in the modding community would like to make a point of view change when you wear a power armor helmet. I was thinking that the view would take on a slight tint [blueish for BOS & outcasts, greenish for generic power armor since they should be from ex-army units, and red for Enclave] along with a scanline appearance with occasional distortion.


In helmet, there would be a local minimap either centered or front arc with red dots for spotted enemies in an upper corner along with the classic ribbon compass and a health guage and ammo counter. Non power armor view should have these settings relegated to the pipboy with the screen showing compass as currently facing along with the points of interest and health bar. There could be warnings for when you are hurt every 1/4 level to compensate for the missing hp bar.


Also, additional vision modes of infrared via the small tube one the side of the helmet that looks like an infra-red emitter. This is not an ambient sensor, instead it bathes the front arc with invisible infra red rays so that the helmet can see the reflected heat. No spotting bonus but attracts insects like giant radscorpions and the like. and maybe molerats and enclave power armors :biggrin:


Second vision mode will be the spot light. light source will be in the front of the player and stronger than the piplight like 3x distance or more. Great chance of attracting attention from everyone.


Third vision mode is a green night vision mode that is unfortunately susceptible to blooming from moderately strong light sources. Enclave armors have an enhanced night vision mode that is similar to the Oblivion B&W view that is not as susceptible to blooming from light sources as the standard version.


Just a thought and a little wish for what I would like to see in fallout.





Knight errant, (in exile)

Brotherhood of Steel

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