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Mac Mod Installation


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Alright so i'm a mac user and I've never been into running pc emulators like bootcamp so needless to say running mods for skyrim on a mac has become a real pain. There are a few good tutorials out there that show the basics, like the ones listed below, but i was hoping some people would know how to run the more advanced mods, like player homes, on a mac.


Tutorials that work:



Mods that Macs have trouble with (unsure of how to install):



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hi i am using a mac, and all my downloads become VLC files and i dont know how to make them zip files

please help


Erm...What do you mean it has become VLC files? If you mean that when you double click, it opens up VLC player - it doesn't matter. Just open up UnrarX and the manually navigate to the "VLC" file. It will still recognize the extension. The files have not become VLC files, you have just set the default program to open them up as VLC. You can change them somewhere in preferences. Sorry I sold my Mac 2 months ago so can't look it up. EDIT: http://www.macworld.com/article/1154861/changedefaultapp.html

Edited by septeracore
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