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Playable Dwarven Sphere.


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*Maybe minor spoilers*

I was playing Skyrim on my xbox and running through the dragonborn dlc and found a dwarven sphere companion. I noticed that whenever I drew my weapon he unfolded out of his ball form and when I sheathed my weapon he folded back up into a ball. This gave me the idea to try and make a mod that lets you play as a dwarven sphere and whenever you press R (or your draw/sheathe weapon key) you fold and unfold. Left clicking would use the sphere's primary (right hand) weapon and right clicking would fire his crossbow on his left hand (hold to charge, release to fire. Just like current Dawnguard crossbows.) Unfortunately I have no experience at all with modding and can't figure it out for the life of me. Any experienced modders willing to help me?


I found the animations in the Creation Kit and he's a very basic rundown of what I was thinking:

Draw weapon - MT_Unfold

Sheathe weapon - MT_Fold

left click - H2H_AttackChop (followed by H2H_AttackBash with second left click)

charged left click - H2H_AttackSlash

Holding right click - Ranged_DrawnIdle (or equivalent Ranged_Drawn<movement> animation when moving)

releasing right click - Ranged_Release

reload - Ranged_Draw


Of course it would only make sense to be in 3rd person mode so anything in 1st person doesn't matter to me. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I just found a mod for this! (Sorta) its called jackals monster fix (or something like that). It has the open/close mechanic you described, allows you to use a sword by left clicking and use a bow (if you equip one) by left clicking. It does similar things for just about all other monsters in vanilla skyrim. You have to go into the console and type in player.setrace dwarvensphererace (no character creation) i just started using it, but so far it has worked pretty well. 1st person is lacking, but you said that didnt matter.
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