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Camera Bug


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Hi there ^^


Don´t know why it happens all the time, but if i want to choos in 1st person mode, i´m going to chance automaticly into 3rd person after 1 sec or less.

TFC command will stuck my camera (can´t zoom in/out anymore) and also changes into 3rd person.

It happens only in my new save games, very old (months ago) - not.


I tried:


- to disable all mods, also deinstalled them


- looked into skyrim.ini file, but no changes as original



Someone know a command line for ini files or why it happens always and how i can resolve this problem, without starting an very old save game ?




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skyrim.ini This


Or it could have been a mod, in this case you'll actually have to say goodbye to this save game.

I'd say since it's an old save, likely it's going to be buggy no matter what you do and not worth the effort trying to fix it.


We've changed through too many version's don't kid yourself most people here have save's we will never see again period.

Everytime we go to a new version of the game we take that chance that our old saves are meaningless.


Since you'll be starting a new game when you have come to terms with this,


Get the newest versions of all your fav mods.

Make sure those mods are 1.8 compatible.

Avoid mods that havent seen an update and/or not often visted by the author.


Stuff that could be pretty safe despite the 1.8


Most armor and weapons


Stuff to treat like it was AIDS (out of date stuff)


-All script mods

-All the old horsey mods

-Old scripted companions

-Old houses with autosorters

-All preconstruction set mods

-Most stuff dated October or earlier of 2012

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