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replace all female warriors with men


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You must not know very much about the land of skyrim, but I guess I do personally think they are too COMMON, about half of all guards are women, it should be more like a random on occasion thing, not 3 out of every 5 guards in the town are women. Edited by ArtMurder
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While I highly dislike that first post, it would be nice to see less women in enemy factions. Simply because I enjoy killing men in video games, not women. So I kinda hate having to kill so many... particularly when there is no choice in the matter. Forsworn? Instant kill attempt. Bandit? Instant kill attempt. Random citizen who saw you steal something or accidently hit someone when trying to attack a vampire in the middle of a damned fight? Instant kill attempt.


The first response to anyone in this game is "KILL THE FOOL!", which leaves me little response but "NO U!". Thus I'd like a mod adding less... but would prefer a mod that adds variety, and less "Kill on Sight" crap.

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The claim that it's out of place is kinda bull...


The Nords are clearly based on Vikings and Icelandic cultures, and although women weren't usually on the frontlines, there were quite a few women warriors.

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This is also a video game, where you're not killing women, you're "killing" a collection of pixels in the general shape of a humanoid that makes digitally synthesized sounds within the vocal range of human speech.
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  • 3 months later...

Oh come on! Doesn't anyone feel a little bit of guilt at slaughtering thousands of women? If any of you guys went into a bar one night, and a woman picked a fight with you, would you really bash her and feel good about it, even if she started it?

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You're right, there are too many female soldiers. Somebody make a mod and put them back in the kitchen where they belong.. or one where they faint at the sight of blood.


On a serious note, I disagree with the idea of this mod. I'm curious to see which part of the lore you found that made them seem 'out of place'.

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