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ENB Stars issue


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Was surprised that i couldn't find any specific thread about this, anyways.. Here's the issue:


When using ENB's, most of the stars get "dimmed out", almost look like they disappear. I've gotten info that it's the Bloom that is causing it, that it 'takes the whole image and blurs it". So i tried to turn off bloom, but it didn't get much better sadly.

I've also tried increasing star intensity etc, but that only increases the intensity on the stars that i already see.


Here is an example:

With ENB OFF: http://oi49.tinypic.com/21dk0og.jpg

With ENB ON: http://oi50.tinypic.com/2saxheh.jpg


(More obvious in game though)


Imho this makes the night really dull and boring. :(


So is there a solution out there that i have missed?

If not, then what would be required? A mod that increases the brightenss on the 'smaller' stars?

Tweaking the ENB?



Any help is appreciated!!!






(Maybe i misplaced this thread, but figured that there could be a mod that adress this. But ofcourse replace it if necessary)

Edited by Southman
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Get enhanced night skyrim it adds a ton of stars adjust eh star curve and star intensity the only other thing is to bump up the night gradient intensity a bit it for some reason effects some of the stars
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