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moding qwestion


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i need to know a cuple things waht can sky rim ck do for modles and stuff iv ben looking aroun ath tatorea for ck but having seen any thing dealing with modle and 2 can ya import modle and animation to skyrim i have use blender qwite a lot to make modls of like buling and dragons and done animions there what i wont to know her is can stuf from blender work in sky rim if not then what can i use that will that not costly



i have also used unity for awhil as a game ingen but have decyde id rather use skyrim and jsut make mods instead base on what i entend for my own game

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ok um i have forgeten what little i knoew of nifskope im thinking it was an animion prgram i remeber some isherw her with oblivion long a


go am i going to need to do much with nif scope


also if you can diresct me to some tatoreal dealing wtih this area would be grat

Edited by saphira1
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Those are the recommended versions for using the nif format. That tutorial sets out the workaround to create models for Skyrim as the current recommended plugin *nifscripts 2.5.9* does not natively support the updated Skyrim format.A lot of people model in later versions of blender, i.e 2.5/6+ and just use Blender 2.49b for import/export only.


On a side note as, if you use a browser like Chrome, it will highlight words and offer correction advice. I use it all the time when go back and edit my posts, which is nearly every post. I have already edited this post ;)

Edited by neomonkeus
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ok thanks that a huge help now i notes that perticuler class dose not menchen animaions so far


now blender and unity wher very hard for me to lern so how difficult is this nif program will be comperd to the other stuff i did also do some of oblivions ck a cuple years age any advice on it that mite make it a bet ezyer to lern and know where to start on it i think i can deal with skyrim ck it got a prety good taoreal saliion and is well categoreized


i also realy need to know about animaion i only know how to use a rig from blender and do animions ther or with blender or unety i know how to move houl objics for some aninmion like a boat or ship

Edited by saphira1
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