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How to add new category in blacksmith forge


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So the name of topic is a question itself, does anyone know how to add a new category in list in blacksmith forge (in that initial list where is 'leather daedric steel' etc. )?

In one of mods I saw it was made - and added new category, but I can't remember what mod it is exactly. I think my topic is needed to people who are making mods with 100+ or 200+ items - it is better to add new category than add 200+ items in leather section for example. Thanks for answering

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well as far as i know you cant, i think its harcoded within the game..


not saying it impossible to make, but i take it will involve some scripting i guess..


i remember asking this same question for adding "GOLD" section. still have no luck


but if anyone out there knows the trick, would love to know as well..

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it was made in one of tera armor mods - added new category that is called 'tera'. So I suppose it can be done

Oh... I suspect it was one of old versions of http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25846

at least .esp have same name and meshes that are used are same meshes. But it was in old version - now it is in different crafting sections.

Proof image http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/4129181-1359382931.jpg

Edited by newmiller
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Actually, it is hardcoded, yes.

So you can't add new categories.


HOWEVER, there is couple of "unused" categories, and those are used by mods like Immersive armors and Tera mod. (were added in 1.8 patch?)


But it's not adviced to use those, as if two mods rename this same category, problems will happen when you use second mod that uses the same category slot.

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Actually, it is hardcoded, yes.

So you can't add new categories.


HOWEVER, there is couple of "unused" categories, and those are used by mods like Immersive armors and Tera mod. (were added in 1.8 patch?)


But it's not adviced to use those, as if two mods rename this same category, problems will happen when you use second mod that uses the same category slot.


hah, thank you for the info...


i do only find "Wood" section that i use for bow, didnt really notes theres more categories that were unused....i

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Shadowjin is correct. There were originally 10 available extra categories, then Hearthfire used up 8 of them leaving 2, which are used by popular Mods.


The question I always find myself asking is, how many will the next DLC use up?


Of course, Bethesda could always add more or allow them to be added by the CK in a future update.

Otherwise, perhaps the SkSE team can add the facility to an upcoming version.


Failing that, someone could perhaps organise a community project to overhaul Smithing and redistribute the available slots more evenly:- Studded and Falmer for example have very few entries and Steel is massive.

If we had community support, we could probably do it and Mod authors would get on board. If enough people are interested, I'd be prepared to take part (I came up with the scripting solution for the Tempering/Matching Set problems that come from using custom categories used by Immersive Armors). Of course, this whole thing might be made irrelevant by a Bethesda update that changes the rules; It's not like it'd be the first time.

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