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Sitting down, lets make it useful!


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I would really like to actually have to sit once in a while, there are lots of chairs around but no reason to use them.


What should be is make it so you will WANT to sit down for a while.


Have it so while you are sitting, you regen 1 hp every 30 seconds or so. Slow health regen will make you want to sit after a big fight.


Also, make it so if you are sitting for say, 3 minutes or longer, you get a 10 minute buff to endurence. Since you will be nice and rested from being off your feet.


ALSO, maybe make it so if you are seated, and then eat some food, it gives you 5x as much hp back and a buff to intelegence.


I think this will make people WANT to sit at the bar and chat and drink or just rest before a big expedition.


Does anyone know the getPlayerAV value for sitting? I couldnt find it in the wiki

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Using stimpcks while sitting should heal you more, it could also make your AP recharge faster.

I think there is a command for this because at the start of the SI expansion for Oblivion the guy makes you sit before he will talk to you in the butterfly room. The command should still be there.

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I think we're missing the real issue here. We need to make sitting on toilets give you a buff. Maybe Well Rested would work.


Can you sit on toilets now? I dont remember getting an option to.


Ill look more tonight, if I can find it, Ill make a really nice sitting mod.


Sitting for X minutes will give say, a 30-60 minute buff, so it will last while adventuring. Buffs may be + end and +str.


Sitting and then eating or using meds will increase its usefulness.


Sitting and drinking will buff your charisma ten fold. So if you want to chat to people, sit down and have a drink with them.


Sitting will start auto healing very slowly

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I think we're missing the real issue here. We need to make sitting on toilets give you a buff. Maybe Well Rested would work.


Can you sit on toilets now? I dont remember getting an option to.


Ill look more tonight, if I can find it, Ill make a really nice sitting mod.


Sitting for X minutes will give say, a 30-60 minute buff, so it will last while adventuring. Buffs may be + end and +str.


Sitting and then eating or using meds will increase its usefulness.


Sitting and drinking will buff your charisma ten fold. So if you want to chat to people, sit down and have a drink with them.


Sitting will start auto healing very slowly

In stead of giving a buff for sitting on a toilet, the character should start walking weird about 10 hours after eating and start to walk weirder and weirder until he sits on a toilet. And if too much time passes without the character sitting on the toilet the character will soil himself and his armor will start to chafe and he loses a few points of charisma for smelling, at least until the character changes armor or clothes.

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