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MOST WANTED MODS (see description)


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Hey, I'm never around here, but I would like to shed some idealism on someones face--I... I mean... before someone's eyes.

So, uh... you read the topic name:



In my personal taste (I've got some killer concept art of one) I'd think of an ol' classic Army Jeep with a hovercraft bottom to cover over the wheels. But some sort of vehicle nonetheless.



or we could just go with something like this:




Sex has always been inclined as a popular aspect of Fallout. Now, if we have a perk named "Lady Killer" that really wasn't any fun at all, and some people want to get "interactive."

I'm not looking for interactivity. I'm looking for maybe some quick sounds and then a fade to waking up. I just think its dumb that you pay Nova 150 caps to sleep with you and she ends up sleeping next to you. Plus, the lines are really weak. Come on Bethsoft/Bethesda!



If anyone thinks this is a bad idea, they should go die right now. This is the best idea. Ever. I think everyone loves classic FPS sights. Irons sights are beast. They beat out everything else. So why not? I know you have to mess with the Facial/Idle Anims, and I know how tough that is, but come on. Someone. I sure as heck can't.



Someone should seriously make these.

Post your most popular, unoriginal ideas below.

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Hey, I'm never around here, but I would like to shed some idealism on someones face--I... I mean... before someone's eyes.

So, uh... you read the topic name:



In my personal taste (I've got some killer concept art of one) I'd think of an ol' classic Army Jeep with a hovercraft bottom to cover over the wheels. But some sort of vehicle nonetheless.



Sex has always been inclined as a popular aspect of Fallout. Now, if we have a perk named "Lady Killer" that really wasn't any fun at all, and some people want to get "interactive."

I'm not looking for interactivity. I'm looking for maybe some quick sounds and then a fade to waking up. I just think its dumb that you pay Nova 150 caps to sleep with you and she ends up sleeping next to you. Plus, the lines are really weak. Come on Bethsoft/Bethesda!



If anyone thinks this is a bad idea, they should go die right now. This is the best idea. Ever. I think everyone loves classic FPS sights. Irons sights are beast. They beat out everything else. So why not? I know you have to mess with the Facial/Idle Anims, and I know how tough that is, but come on. Someone. I sure as heck can't.



Someone should seriously make these.

Post your most popular, unoriginal ideas below.


1) Yes. There are tons of cars/cleaners/motorbikes lying around the Capital Wasteland. Somebody would've taken the time to fix one up (hey, maybe even the lone wanderer...). I am sure someone will do this sooner or later.


2) Yes. And vulk it, I want interactivity. A minigame, like lockpicking or computer hacking. It'd be fun, funny, and yeah maybe add some real use to the lady killer/black widow perks.


3) I don't think you would have to mess with facial or idle animations. From third person people already bring their guns up when they shoot, so all you'd have to do is make it do that in first person as well. The guns already shift slightly inward when zoom is pressed, if I'm not mistaken, so all it should take is making it shift a bit more (assuming the first person models are complete).


As I said in another thread, I would love to see a mod that makes Recon Armor wearable underneath Power Armor. This goes for the helmets as well. Besides that, I can't think of a mod that isn't already being made, or I can't make myself.

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insert my really long post here...


1) Yes. There are tons of cars/cleaners/motorbikes lying around the Capital Wasteland. Somebody would've taken the time to fix one up (hey, maybe even the lone wanderer...). I am sure someone will do this sooner or later.


2) Yes. And vulk it, I want interactivity. A minigame, like lockpicking or computer hacking. It'd be fun, funny, and yeah maybe add some real use to the lady killer/black widow perks.


3) I don't think you would have to mess with facial or idle animations. From third person people already bring their guns up when they shoot, so all you'd have to do is make it do that in first person as well. The guns already shift slightly inward when zoom is pressed, if I'm not mistaken, so all it should take is making it shift a bit more (assuming the first person models are complete).


As I said in another thread, I would love to see a mod that makes Recon Armor wearable underneath Power Armor. This goes for the helmets as well. Besides that, I can't think of a mod that isn't already being made, or I can't make myself.


Yeah, I'd love to wear lighter armor under heavier armor, especially for the extra protection. I enjoy playing the game on Hard, I want it to have some decent kind of protection though. Though, I'd enjoy just having something like shoulder-pads and gauntlet customization (just for preference; some people only like wearing one shoulder pad) somewhat similar to the menu of the status; a drag-and-drop sort of system on a Vault Boy for armor. But now I'm just dreaming. Still, it'd be cool.

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I think the iron sights would require editing the aim animation of first player, to bring the rear and foreward sights in line with the camera's line of sight. much like you would a real firearm.


There is a slight problem though, alot of the fallout guns arent nessesarily MADE for it, therefore they lack sufficient sights for this to work properly, GRANTED all the custom weapons wont have this problem.

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