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I havent modded in a long time and im a bit rusty. can anyone help?


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long story short, i want to get back into skyrim. i gave up modding a long time ago with how much of a headache fallout 4's modding was, quite frankly i tended to spend more time trying to get the mods to work rather then actually playing and enjoying the game.


that being said i decided i wanna try again with a game that most people love still, skyrim.


however... I seem to be a bit lost with this being the special edition opposed to the original. i cant seem to find the mods im looking for. if anyone can give me any pointers, that would be lovely.


im currently looking for these types of mods in particular:


-a mod that allows you to have as many companions active as you'd like (instead of forcing one to leave your side just to have another cause i find that logic stupid and i like my big battle scenarios even if it does cheese the game a bit)


-a mod to improve follower AI as well as keep track on where they are just in case they get lost somewhere


-invincible follower mod


-a mod that makes villagers and whatnot flee into their houses to avoid dying when theres a dragon attack or something


as of right now those are my top priority sort of mods. ill focus more on graphics and additions later when i get the quality of life stuff good and running


thanks in advance!

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im currently looking for these types of mods in particular:


-a mod that allows you to have as many companions active as you'd like (instead of forcing one to leave your side just to have another cause i find that logic stupid and i like my big battle scenarios even if it does cheese the game a bit)


-a mod to improve follower AI as well as keep track on where they are just in case they get lost somewhere


-invincible follower mod


Nether's Follower Framework.


The classic follower frameworks like AFT, iAFT or EFF have been ported to SE as well. I'd recommend Nether's Follower Framework over them, because it is currently the only Follower Framework that is still worked on and updated. Also you have the highest chancve of getting support in case of problems with this mod. The other ones I mentioned still work fine (at least most of the time), but at least for now you won't get updates or support any more.


-a mod that makes villagers and whatnot flee into their houses to avoid dying when theres a dragon attack or something



Run for your lives. :cool:

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