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Fallout 76 Inspired Mods


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I see some mods that add stuff inspired by/from Fallout 76, and I would really love to see more mods in this vein. In particular, I would like to see some of the weapons unique to 76, as well as an overhaul of the legendary system of Fallout 4 to make it more like 76, with weapons being capable of having multiple legendary effects.


EDIT: In addition to an overhaul of the legendary system, I am looking for specific weapons from 76. These weapons are: Mole Miner Gauntlet, The Dragon, 50 Cal Machine Gun, Gatling Gun, the Black Powder firearms (pistol, rifle, blunderbuss), Gauss Pistol, Gauss Shotgun, Gauss Minigun, and the Gatling Plasma Gun.

Edited by Wolfbane771
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Excavator Power Armour;


-Redshift Power Armour;



Ultracite Power Armour and weapons;



Responder Protectron Paint;



Responders Outfits (for Australia)



Responders Paramedic Jumpsuit (by TU3SD4Y)



I can continue if you want, otherwise here's a great resource;

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