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Expansion(s) CTD at Breezehome with shawkab Dovahkiin Hideout


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Too bad Shawk's not active anymore. I just upgraded to Hearthfire and Dawnguard, and now I can't access the Dovahkiin Hideout where I have a fortune in crafting materials and stolen goods in storage. As I enter Breezehome, it crashes to desktop. If I turn off the mod and I can enter Breezehome.


Anyone (hopefully Shawkab himself) have a solution?

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  • 3 weeks later...

If it hasnt been fixed by Shawk already then problem is to do with the mod editing the navmesh inside breezehome, If you want to at least recover your stuff from the Dovahkin Hideout temporarily disable the hearthfire mod. There is also a ctd breezehome/hearthfire fix which aledgedly works but I;ve not tried it myself but should pop up in a google search.


My mod has the same problem (a hideout of my own making, inspired by Shawks creation) and am still researching (so far all to no avail) on how to fix my mod so it's Hearthfire compatible. The search continues!!!

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