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Just started experiencing CTD's


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Okay, so Skyrim's volume has always been weird for me. For the most part its kind of quiet but bearable but some times something happens and like the music becomes louder and is completely impossible to hear what NPC's say from it.

The random combat music again blocked the speech of an NPC and I finally got pissed off and went on the net looking for solutions to the quiet audio. I read that if I change the settings for my headphones to 5.1 it might help so I did it but I completely forgot that skyrim was still running when I did it. What happened was that the game lost it's sound which is normal when you don't shut off an application and mess with windows audio settings. No biggy I restarted the game and the menu had audio. Tried to load up my quick save but the only thing that happened is that i herd the sound of a fire spell being selected in my hand and the game CTD'd. I immediately reverted the audio settings and started the game again. This time my save loaded up fine so I figured that everything was alright and continued to search for solutions to the sound problem.

I read that it might help if i change the master volume setting in the skyrimprefs.ini so I did and the game started to CTD again so I returned it to its previous value but I still CTD at random. I tried loading up a character I made a couple of days ago and it loads up fine but the auto save of my old character CTD's about 70% of the times I try to play it. I decided to load up an auto save at the start of the dungeon and it loaded just fine. I started playing progressed to a point and then opened the menu to make a save just in case. As soon as i clicked the save button the game CTD'ed. This happened twice actually at almost the same location. On one of the successful attempts at loading my crashing save I continued to play thinking that everything was okay but the game randomly crashed at location close to the one the second crash happened at.

I've NEVER had crashes in ANY circumstances before this started happening ever since I changed my windows audio settings which really makes no sense. Why would my audio settings make a game crash. Moreover I returned everything I changed in the windows settings AND skyrimprefs.ini to its previous values and the problem is still there and the game is unplayable. Can anyone help me out please?


EDIT: When I reloaded to at the start of the dungeon to a save that doesn't crashed I played for 15 mins and saved after another 15 mins I tried to make the second save and that's when the game crashed. The weird thing is that the save i made 15 mins before the crash also crashes on load but the save at the start of the dungeon loads fine.

Edited by Danisimo
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Running any sound mods? try disabling them.

I a got a CTD at very beginning of Skyrim but changed speaker's default format from advanced settings to 24bit, 48000 Hz & it worked fine.

You can control the volume of dialogue & music from settings inside skyrim.

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Running any sound mods? try disabling them.

I a got a CTD at very beginning of Skyrim but changed speaker's default format from advanced settings to 24bit, 48000 Hz & it worked fine.

You can control the volume of dialogue & music from settings inside skyrim.


No. I don't have any sound mods and I know you can control the game volume from the menu even with everything at max the game is very quiet. Really I just don't understand how my windows settings can make a game crash...

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I use a G35 Headset, I've had a problem with sound with this game the culprit for me was surround sound feature of the headset not supporting this game.


Best bet you need to reconfigure your sound control.

Check the developers website for your sound device and check their forums page look for Skyrim sound issues.

Your going to be fishing here lot longer than you would there for an answer.

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That's exactly what my audio settings are set to. I'm not looking for a solution to my sound issue I can play with a quiet game, I'm looking for a solution to my crashing issue because atm the game wont run more than 20 min without crashing for no apparent reason.


EDIT: It always bugged me that the game crashed right after the sound effect of a fire spell in your hand is played so I decided to simply remove the spell and do the dungeon with my axe because the enemies were easy enough. I managed to complete it without crashing and after I left it I've had no problems for about an hour now. I've saved, fast traveled and so on multiple times with no issues at all. Maybe it was some kind of a bug with the audio file for the spell? Or the problem may have just fixed itself but... What are the odds?

Edited by Danisimo
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Well then You'll need to post someothing other than sound is causeing a problem.


Need to see your load order, and give the modders an idea of what kinds of texture mods you have installed. Skyrim causeing crash issues becuase of sound setup's was actually addressed by Bethsada a long time ago. sorry I won't likely answer I have to get back to my studies but good luck and post that load order.


It's very likely that you've got incompatible mods running together.


Like two mods that effect the weather is a real common one that newer modders run into frequently.

That one leads to unpredictable world space crashes because it only happens when there's a weather call function in game. Example your running to Whiterun clear skies...but the call function is for rain and also Clear Skies from another mod result crash! Last thing you saw was the nice skies, but you'd never know it was the weather.


Some fog mods cause issues like go to the city with the swamp and vampire quest in it Marcoth or Mar something? Go there to the swamp and blam foggy efects that crash your game like no tommorrow.


Trying to use multiple weather's is bad and for the most part pretty common issue I point out like 3 outta 4 times.


Also only use one hair mod at a time.

Watch out for duplicates, a lot of ppl have mods that duplicate functions but go about it differently and that confusing the engine.


I saw a guy on here with multiple follower overhual mods installed.

he had UFO and Amazing Follower Tweaks and about 5 other follower mods all teid together. Never use more than 1.


Mostly you have to read and reeread your mods description pages.

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