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Moth movement for machinimas.


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A mouth movement mod?


So, we all know Skyrim si a great game for making machinimas revolving grand battles and cool nature shots. But it is damn near impossible to make a character move his or her lips so you can add voiceover and make it look like a believeble conversation. So, this is what I'm requesting, a mod that makes it possible to choose a charcter, and the by the press of a button make him or her talk, wether that's your character on an NPC. No specific movements of the mouth is required, just the jaw moving up and down in a believable fashion. I'm inexperienced in modding myself, otherwise I'd give it a try myself.


I'm really hoping to find a way to make this possible, since it would help machinima creators get more freedom in their work.


Thanks in advance for anyone who gives this idea a try.

Edited by Engie420
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What I'd want to see is something that you type text in and push a button it then makes the character mouth it based on the phonetics, I'm sure one could edit out a snippet where you used a text box or something and it'd look smoother then 'push to slack jaw'... and it'd be useful for other things besides machinima.
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